Take Up the Full Armor of God
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|Would you agree with me that Christ-centered family ministry is needed today more than ever before? You don't need to look far to understand why Family Shield's work is needed. God's Word and Christianity are under attack. Biblical marriage is under attack. Life issues are under attack. God's Word tells us as Christians that we must stand firm, from Ephesians ...
Without This Ring
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|Divorce effects every aspect of your life, emotional, spiritual, and physical. According to Donna Pyle, author of Without This Ring: Surviving Divorce, it feels like amputation without anesthetic. Probably the hardest part to grasp about the whole process of divorce is wondering what happened to the person you thought you married, the plans you made together, and the dreams you ...
Defending Christianity
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|Have you ever felt overwhelmed by those who question Christianity? You may know the frustration that can come upon us when we're not able to answer tough questions unbelievers ask about God and the Christian faith. You know what you believe, but you're not able to explain it clearly or defend it. Join us today as I interview Dr. Ron ...
Dealing with Conflict
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|Conflict is one of the most destructive forces on earth; it instigates war, it divides families, it destroys marriages., it can make the workplace unbearable, and it can wreak havoc in the church. How do we learn to deal with conflict Biblically? Join us today as I interview Kenneth Kremer, author of A Heart at Peace: Biblical Strategies for Christians ...
An Ex-Mormon Shares His Story
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|Why did Stephen Becker become a Mormon and then later leave the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints? What do Mormons believe and teach that are in conflict with Christianity and God's Word? Join us today as I interview Stephen Becker. He'll talk about the six years he and his wife were actively involved in Mormonism and why ...
Go First Into the Home–Part Two
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|It's tough isn't it! Even in Christian families, tempers sometimes flare. Christians sometimes find themselves irritated by insignificant things. Then too, we don't talk with each other about our faith or about our Savior as often as we might like to. Family devotions scare many of us. We all know we should worship and pray together as a family, but ...
Go First Into the Home–Part One
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|Raising children to know and love Jesus in today's world is a joy, a privilege, and a challenge. Parenting is the most important job you will ever have. How can we maintain a Christ-centered home while juggling jobs, sports, school, and community activities? We find the answer when we rely upon God's power for help, not our own or the ...
Family Shield Father’s Day Special
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|God's plan for the family is that children will be raised by a loving and involved mother and father. Statistics document that children with active and involved fathers are more confident, better able to deal with frustration, gain independence in their own identities better, more likely to mature into compassionate adults, more sociable, more secure, and less likely to show ...
Introduction to God and His Word
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|I tried to study the Bible but couldn't understand it. How do we study God's Word so we get the most out of it? Today's study will help introduce you to God's Word and help you grow in faith. You can also use today's study to introduce someone to God and His Word.
Social Media and Today’s Children
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|Do you believe technology is bringing your children and family closer together, or creating a greater distance? How can a parent know if their child is involved with too much screen time? What are A+ relational skills that parents need to start at home? Join us today as I feature Arlene Pelicane, author of Growing Up Social: Raising Relational Kids ...