
Advent and the Christmas Season

Advent and the Christmas Season

Advent is a time of anticipation and preparation for the birth of our Savior. A sure sign that Christmas is coming is when we see Advent calendars in the stores and our homes. If your children and grandchildren are like mine they love to count down the days before Christmas as they attend Advent services, participate in special Christmas traditions, ...
Surviving a Crisis

Surviving a Crisis

Surviving a crisis is one of the hardest things a family can go through. It is also one of the six traits that research has shown can help build strong, healthy families. Today I've invited Dana Herbst to share what happened to her three-year-old daughter Nikki when she was attacked by a dog. Nikki was rushed to the emergency room ...
Recent books

Children and the Five Love Languages

November 10,2022 These are pictures of some of the books and authors we have featured on the Family Shield radio program and podcast.  The Five Love Languages of Children And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, Let the ...
Why I Left the Mormon Church

Introducing Christianity to Mormons

One of the great challenges Christians face is sharing the truth with those who believe they have already found it. When witnessing to current or former members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, it's essential that you compassionately describe biblical teachings from Mormon doctrine while tactfully advocating for Christ. For every believer who prays for loved ones ...
Let's Learn About the Reformation

The Reformation

What was the reformation? Who was involved? And why is it so important 500 years later? Join us today as I interview Rev. William Marler about the reformation. He’s the senior pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Springfield, Missouri, and an instructor in the Department of Religious Studies at Missouri State University.
Family Outdoors

Fun Family Devotions for the Home

October 25, 2022 Fun Family Devotions for the Home From Kay Meyer's column in the St. Louis Metro Voice newspaper from 1994 to 2013. It's tough, isn't it? Even in Christian families tempers sometimes flare. Christians sometimes find themselves irritated by insignificant events. Then, too, we don't talk with one another about our faith or about our Savior as often ...
Family Outdoors

Let’s Connect!

October 7, 2022 Family Shield Ministries Thank you for your prayers and support! You are special to us! We have a complimentary copy of our newest booklet: Let's Walk & Pray! Ideas for Your Family and Friends Prayer Walk available as our gift to you and your family. We launched our first Family Prayer Walk (FPW) Initiative in 2021. We learned that many Christian parents ...

An Ex-Jehovah’s Witness Shares Her Faith Journey

Why do Jehovah's Witnesses leave the Watchtower Society? Many ex-Jehovah's Witnesses are disfellowshipped. They can also experience guilt and anger after they leave. Why do they need hope that is only possible when we know the Christ of the Bible, and how can we effectively share God's love and the Gospel with them? Join us today as we visit with ...
Group Bible study

Family Shield Ministries

September 23, 2022 Family Shield Ministries Did you know that the gospel-focused, Christ-centered Family Shield radio program airs on 54 radio stations and is heard by more than 850,000 people each week? Sometimes people are surprised to learn that the radio program has aired for over 28 years and that we have designed and produced more than 1300 programs. The ...
Dragons: Legends & Lore of Dinosaurs

Dragons: Legends & Lore of Dinosaurs

Today on Family Shield we’ll explore the links between Dragon myths and the reality of dinosaurs. Did you know there are dragon legends in nearly every culture from China to Australia, India to Europe, the Americas, and Persia to the kingdoms of the fiercest Norse warriors? Eyewitnesses to these dinosaurs include Job from the Bible, Alexander the Great, and Marco ...