Limping with God
Jacob seems to be anything but a model disciple. He's a trickster, liar, and selfishly ambitious man who fathers children with four women and leads a dysfunctional family rife with jealousy and backstabbing. But Jacob is also Israel, the namesake of the Old Testament community of God, chosen and blessed. As such, this sinner-saint, who limps along with the Lord, burdened by weakness and beset by problems, is the mirror image of all of us who follow Jesus. In his ...
Meaningful Outreach: An Essential Guide for Churches
Outreach is more than hosting community events and hoping they stick! Getting unchurched people through your doors is one thing, but engaging them over time is another. Effective outreach helps people move from congregational visitors to committed members and disciples of Jesus. This book addresses what makes for effective, Word and Sacrament based outreach that can help you reach the unchurched people in your community. Rev. Mark Wood walks readers through a four-part process for congregations wishing to strengthen or ...
Unwrapping the Names of Jesus for Kids
Based on the best-selling Advent devotional that’s helped over 100,000 families recapture the joy of Christmas! “Tell us the story again, Mama!” Unwrapping the Names of Jesus for Kids begins with this enthusiastic plea. What follows is the captivating story of how the mother encountered Jesus—and His beautiful names— as a little girl. As you travel with this girl, you and your children will experience Jesus as a real person who meets our real needs. Author Asheritah Ciuciu shows readers the Bread ...
Unwrapping the Names of Jesus
How to focus on Christ during Advent Most Christians agree that Christmas is all about Jesus, yet most of us spend little time preparing our hearts to celebrate Him. Why is this? Partly because we don’t know how. In Unwrapping the Names of Jesus, Asheritah Ciuciu leads readers through the four weeks of Advent (Hope, Preparation, Joy, and Love). Each week: Begins with an interactive family devotional that equips readers to celebrate Advent together Offers five daily reflections that focus ...
Reclaiming Home: A Family’s Guide for Life, Love & Legacy
Are you watching as your family spins out of control? Are you pulled in so many directions that you aren’t doing anything well? We live in an era when children often know more about their electronic devices than their own family history, parents invest more time in the carpool line than at the dinner table, and marriages teeter on the cliff of neglect. Reclaiming Home offers families creative, life-changing solutions to these modern day dilemmas. Learn how to throw small ...
Introducing Christianity to Mormons
Share Jesus with Your LDS Friends and Family One of our greatest challenges as Christians is sharing the truth with those who believe they’ve already found it. When witnessing to current or former members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it’s essential that you can compassionately delineate biblical teachings from Mormon doctrine while tactfully advocating for Christ. For every believer who prays for loved ones in the LDS Church—or loved ones who gave up on religion after ...
Shining the Gospel Light on the Quran: Understanding and Engaging Muslims
What does it mean to be a Christian? What does it mean to be Muslim? Both are very similar and yet also very different. What else makes them similar, what makes them different, and how do they navigate their beliefs to better understand each other? As a Christian raised in a majority Muslim country, author Rev. Dr. Abjar Bakhou offers a unique perspective on how Muslims and Christians coexist in society and in their faith. God purposefully created all of ...
Grace Under Pressure: Responding Faithfully to Stress
The pressures of life can be overwhelming. Stressful circumstances cause us to sin. While feeling stress is not a sin, how we react to it can be. Everyone has been on the receiving and giving end of ungrateful behavior, expressing their feelings in ungodly ways. We recognize the damage it can do, but our sinful nature still often wins. Yet in a world that seems to be out of control, God’s grace, even under pressure, is sufficient and unlimited. No ...
8 Simple Tools for Raising Great Kids
Finally, a practical book for busy parents! Whether you find parenting intuitive or impossible, we could all use a hand here and there. And we could use it quick! In 8 Simple Tools, child psychologist and father Todd Cartmell walks you through the nuts and bolts of healthy, effective parenting. Using examples from his home and 20 years of professional practice, Todd gives eight essential and practical tools to help you: Listen well and respond wisely Use affirmation to influence your child Develop a nurturing ...
Married and Still Loving It: The Joys and Challenges of the Second Half
Long marriages are a gift… but they aren’t always easy You know yourselves better. You’ve learned to cherish the small things. You’re past keeping up with the Joneses. And yet, anxieties over grown children, worries about money and health, and feelings of disappointment can challenge even the best marriages. In Married and Still Loving It, renowned relationship expert Gary Chapman and Harold Myra, longtime CEO of Christianity Today International, offer wise counsel and practical insight on making your marriage thrive during the later ...
5-Minute Bible Studies for Couples
Whether they’re caught in a whirlwind of wedding plans or celebrating their anniversary, engaged and married couples need time to sit down and think about what marriage looks like when it is centered on Christ. Designed to help couples grow closer to each other and the Lord, 5-Minute Bible Studies: For Couples offers three insightful devotions each week for a full year with simple application exercises and prayer prompts. As husband and wife grow closer to God, they will become more comfortable ...
5-Minute Bible Studies: For Families
As parents and children race from work and school to extracurricular activities, chores, and more, finding time to stay connected in the Word as a family can be challenging. 5-Minute Bible Studies: For Families is designed with busy families in mind. This second book of the 5-Minute Bible Studies series offers three short messages a week for a full year. Whether everyone has time only in the mornings or you finally see each other at dinner, this book will help you face ...
8 Simple Tools for Raising Great Kids
Finally, a practical book for busy parents! Whether you find parenting intuitive or impossible, we could all use a hand here and there. And we could use it quick! In 8 Simple Tools, child psychologist and father Todd Cartmell walks you through the nuts and bolts of healthy, effective parenting. Using examples from his home and 20 years of professional practice, Todd gives eight essential and practical tools to help you: Listen well and respond wisely Use affirmation to influence your child Develop a nurturing ...
A Heart at Peace: Biblical Strategies for Christians in Conflict
Conflict and disagreements happen in all circles, regardless of race, religion, or creed. However, Christians are specifically called by God to reconcile with their neighbor in a Christlike fashion. This book teaches you God s method for conflict resolution as given in his Word. It will help break down the hostility that can divide believers, while also aiding in the reconciliation process. Discover the spiritual relief that comes naturally when your heart is at peace. by Kenneth Kremer
And She was a Christian: Why Do Believers Commit Suicide?
Suicide has been a historically difficult and taboo topic for the church. Christians, perhaps even more so than nonbelievers, are often appalled or distressed by this horrific act and can struggle to understand it. This is especially true when it is a fellow believer who takes his or her own life. And She Was a Christian provides answers straight from God's Word, with a strong emphasis on the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Ideal for Christian counselors or anyone who has ...
Answering the Objections of Atheists, Agnostics, & Skeptics
An unfamiliar car parks near your house, and two pleasant-looking folks approach your front door. The doorbell rings, and after exchanging pleasantries, your unexpected guests offer you some literature from the Watchtower Society. What will you say? What should you say? Should you engage your visitors in conversation at all? And if so, how? Trusted Bible teacher Ron Rhodes guides you through several realistic dialogues with Jehovah’s Witnesses, demonstrating helpful techniques for listening, asking questions, avoiding offense, and more. He includes the ...
Behold, I am Coming Soon!
This devotional features 28 unique entries based on the book of Revelation to help guide readers through the Advent season. With all the hustle and bustle and preparations for Christmas, these devotions will help you pause to recall Jesus' birth in Bethlehem and also encourage you to look forward to the Savior's return in the final days. by Rev. Bruce McKenney
Breaking the Patterns of Depression
Twenty to thirty million Americans suffer from some form of diagnosable depression, and their ranks are growing. Psychologist Michael D. Yapko explains that in order to find relief, more than the current episode of depression must be examined. In Breaking the Patterns of Depression, he presents skills that enable readers to understand and ultimately avert depression's recurring cycles. Focusing on future prevention as well as initial treatment, the book includes over one hundred structured activities to help sufferers learn the skills necessary ...
Connected to Christ: Witnessing in Everyday Life
Evangelism. Witnessing. Sharing God’s Word. It’s all part of a toolkit that you were given the moment you were baptized into Christ’s family. And it’s a toolkit that anyone can be given through belief in Christ. But evangelism and witnessing sometimes feels as if it’s a put together person, filled to the brim with Christ’s love, talking to broken people. But it’s not. It’s regular, everyday people, broken by sin, talking about God’s love and Christ’s forgiveness of sins to ...
Conversations with Jehovah’s Witnesses
An unfamiliar car parks near your house, and two pleasant-looking folks approach your front door. The doorbell rings, and after exchanging pleasantries, your unexpected guests offer you some literature from the Watchtower Society. What will you say? What should you say? Should you engage your visitors in conversation at all? And if so, how? Trusted Bible teacher Ron Rhodes guides you through several realistic dialogues with Jehovah’s Witnesses, demonstrating helpful techniques for listening, asking questions, avoiding offense, and more. He includes the ...