
Proclaim the Resurrection

Proclaim the Resurrection!

April 21, 2022 Proclaim the Resurrection! Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, Salome, Joanne, and the other women (Luke 24:10) quietly walked through the darkness just before sunrise, toward the grave site where Jesus' body had been laid on Friday. They carried the spices (Mark 16:1) which they were to use in preparation for His burial. These women had ...
Easter Special

Easter Special

Lent is the time to remember the suffering Jesus endured to pay for our sins. In John 19:30 Jesus said, "It is finished." Then He bowed His head and gave up His spirit. After Jesus died soldiers came and broke the legs of the two men who were crucified with Him, but coming to Jesus, when they saw He was ...
Read Our Latest Newsletter

Let’s Move Mountains!

April 7, 2022 Help Us Move Mountains for Christ! Dear Family Shield Friend, Thank you for sharing your time, talents, and treasures with us!  You are special and we appreciate your prayers and support! Family Shield Ministries educational and evangelism services include: the radio program and podcast, the follow up services, the Counter Cult Ministry, the mentoring-missionary work, educational programs ...
Where is Your Treasure

Where is Your Treasure?

March 25, 2022 Kay Meyer and her family. Where is Your Treasure? Matthew 13:44-52 Hello, boys and girls. Our Bible verse from today's lesson is Mt. 13:44, "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought ...
Reaching Jews for Christ

Reaching Jews for Christ

How does Jews for Jesus, a Messianic, international, nonprofit organization reach Jews with the saving Gospel message? How do Jews for Jesus missionaries get acquainted with Jewish people and build positive trusting relationships? And why did the Apostle Paul say in Romans 10:1 "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved." Join ...
The Last Words of Christ from the Cross

The Last Words of Christ from the Cross

Jesus said ”I am the resurrection and the life, He who believes in me shall live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and Believes In Me shall never die.” Do you believe this? You know we spend a lot of time during Lent learning about the suffering and death of Jesus for our sins, but do we know ...
Bible Study

Recovering from Spiritual Abuse

Spiritual abuse has a devastating effect on people. Since a very high level of trust is often placed in spiritual leaders, it is expected that the trust will be honored and guarded. When trust is violated the wound is very deep. Sometimes the wound is so deep that the wounded person cannot trust even a legitimate spiritual authority again. Besides ...

The Lord Created Pets

March 5, 2022 The Lord Created Pets! My husband and I adopted a two-year-old rescue dog recently. Our 17-year-old beloved dog died 4 months ago. He was our son, Jeff's dog, before Jeff died of cancer in 2010. Jeff asked us to take care of his dog, and we did! What a wonderful pet and loving companion. He helped us grieve the loss of ...
Building a Positive Relationship with a Jehovah's Witness

Encounter Radio Program – Discussion about Jehovah’s Witnesses with Judy Redlich and Kay Meyer

Hi, I'm Judy Redlich of Encounter, a ministry of Bott Radio network. Have you ever had a relative or a friend that was a Jehovah Witness and they felt trapped? Or you didn't know how to share the gospel with them? Today my guest is Kay Meyer the founder and president of Family Shield Ministries. the ministry began in  St ...

The Well-being of Pastors and Church Workers

Saint Paul writes a letter to the Romans recorded as the book of Romans in the Bible, Chapter 1, that at long last he desires to come and visit with the Christians in Rome and he writes, “For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you. That is, that we may ...