
Family Playing Games

Pray! God Listens!

August 5, 2021 The Haas family on Dauphin Island, Alabama. Used with permission. Family Prayer Walk Resources A Resource for Family Prayer Life and Prayer Walks: Document that teaches us about prayer and prayer walking. Family Prayer Walk Leadership Training: Radio program that helps train parents and family leaders as they plan a prayer walk. Radio Programs, Podcast Topics and ...
Prayer and Witnessing

Witnessing Basics

Witnessing to those who are not Christians is not always easy, but all Christians are called to be His witnesses. Just as Christ shared God’s love in a myriad of ways, so can we. Consider some of the ways you might share your faith with unbelievers or those who have fallen away from the church or the faith. Start by ...
Family Playing Games

A Family Prayer Walk

July 23, 2021 The Herbst Family Prayer Walk Family Shield Ministries has promoted its family prayer walk to individuals, families, and congregations. Today we are featuring one family that recently took a family prayer walk to Creve Coeur Lake. Dana Herbst and her blended family walked one and one-half miles together. Her family includes her husband, Nick, and five children that still live ...
Crossing the Chasm

Crossing the Chasm: Helping Mormons Discover the Bridge to God

How do we cross the chasm that separates us from God? Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” It’s a Biblical fact, we cannot save ourselves through our own good works. Jesus saves us; our good works do not. Yet many in today’s world think their good ...
Powell Family

Why are Fathers Important to Children?

Why are fathers important to their children? What are joys and challenges of fathers? Statistics tell us that children with involved fathers are more confident, better able to deal with frustration, better able to gain independence, and their own identity. More likely to mature into compassionate adults, more likely to have a higher self-esteem, more sociable, more secure, and less ...
Family Playing Games

Be Persistent in Prayer

July 8, 2021 Be Persistent in Prayer Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7 How would you rate your prayer life? What have you been praying about recently? Perhaps you are unemployed, unhappy or ill. Are you worried about what the future will ...
Trust God

Families Trust Him

This year is the 20th anniversary of Family Shield Ministries as a nonprofit organization. Our theme for the year is “Families Trust Him.”  How have you trusted God in good times and in bad? Trusting the Lord in good times usually isn’t too difficult. But trusting Him when things are challenging can be difficult. Join us today as we hear ...
Family Playing Games

Opportunities Abound to Share the Gospel

June 17, 2021 Opportunities Abound to Share the Gospel My husband, Chad, came home last week and shared, "Kay, I had a wonderful opportunity to share the gospel today with a man who is an immigrant. He works at the local grocery store. I've been getting acquainted with him for several months. His wife has cancer. I asked how she ...
Traveling with Children

Traveling with Children

Family Shield equips individuals and their families to implement the six traits that build strong, healthy families. Those traits include a commitment to each other's welfare and happiness, appreciation and affection, positive communication, spending time together, spiritual well-being, and the ability to cope with stress and crisis. Taking family vacations can accomplish most of these traits. Traveling with our children ...
Family Playing Games

Traveling with Our Children

May 28, 2021 Traveling with Our Children Recently, in preparation for a program, we were planning on "Traveling with Our Children" I asked friends on my Facebook page, "What do you do with your children to keep them engaged as you travel?" I had over 90 responses on the two pages with such great ideas. We did record our recent ...