Families Partnering with Congregations to Equip and Disciple Their Children
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|“And these words which I am commanding you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk to them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, ...
Can God Ever Forgive Me?
Email Newsletters
|September 7, 2023 Can God Ever Forgive Me? There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). "God will never be able to forgive me for what I did. What should I do?" A distraught man shared this with his Christian friend. He went on, "I grew up in a Christian home and attended ...
Dealing with an Eating Disorder
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|Patti took a leap of bravery and faith to acknowledge an eating disorder she had since she was a teenager and sought help. Her eating disorder began with negative thoughts about herself and how she viewed her body when she was a teenager. Today we’ll learn more about how Patti sought and received help as she went through an intensive ...
There is Light at the End of the Tunnel!
Email Newsletters
|August 17, 2023 There is Light at the End of the Tunnel! written by Kay L. Meyer There is light at the end of the tunnel. I thought about this statement recently as I realized our nine-month project to restore the lower level of our home might soon come to a close. What's the story? Last December my husband and ...
The Differences Between the Mormon God and the Christian God
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|How do we respond and share our faith with Mormons who come to our door or that we meet in the community? What's the difference between the Mormon concept of God and how it differs from Christian beliefs? What do Mormons believe about Jesus, and how is this different from Christian beliefs? Why is it important that we talk about ...
Manage Stress and Survive Crisis
Email Newsletters
|July 26, 2023 The Sixth Trait that Builds Strong, Healthy Families Manage Stress and Survive Crisiswritten by Kay L. Meyer Ruth called the Family Shield office to ask for prayer and shared, "My 41-year-old son was in a serious boating accident. Two friends died. His spleen was damaged and he is hospitalized. Would you pray for Jonathan and our family?" ...
Dealing with Trauma
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|What is trauma? What types of events cause trauma? What are some of the warning signs to watch for, and how do we learn to cope and eventually recover from trauma? Join us today as we discuss dealing with trauma. Today my guest is Dr Marie Yvette Seltz, director of Candescent Counseling and Coaching.
Let’s Take a Prayer Walk
Email Newsletters
|July 12, 2023 Let's Take a Prayer Walk! Gethsemane Lutheran Church Takes a Churchwide Prayer Walk Gethsemane Lutheran Church members in Lemay, Missouri took a church wide prayer walk last month to pray for their Clarity Phase of the new vision for the church. I joined them on this walk. We began in the sanctuary with a prayer. We stopped ...
Ten Questions We Should Ask Every Time You Read the Bible
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|How do we learn more about God's Word? Whether you are new to the Bible or have been reading and studying it for years, you'll want to listen to today's Family Shield program. We'll talk about 10 questions we should ask every time we read the Bible. Why are questions so important, and how will asking these questions help us ...
Have No Fear But Scissor Kicks
Email Newsletters
|June 28, 2023 Greetings from Family Shield Ministries Greetings from Paula Isakson, Hope all is going well with you and that you are having a great start to the summer! I wanted to reach out to you to let you know of a recent development with Faith Family Reunion. As you may recall, I had concluded the ministry outreach in November ...