Lies I Taught in Medical School

Lies I Taught in Medical School by Dr. Robert Lufkin

Lies I Taught in Medical School

Modern medicine is lying to you. Discover the true science behind chronic diseases—and implement an actionable plan to restore your health and longevity once and for all. For the first time in history, chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and obesity … More

Lies I Taught in Medical School

Lies I Taught in Medical School

Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, so taking care of these temples is part of our worship of God, especially as the people around us are better off if we are healthy, energized, and engaged. We also need … More

Imagine Heaven

Imagine Heaven Part 1 of 2

What would it be like to just die right now? A lot of people would be terrified. A lot of people are just not ready–too much to do, and it’s scary, we haven’t been there before. But some have and … More

I Want Him to Want Me

I Want Him to Want Me

Welcome back to Family Shield Ministries listeners. It is a privilege and a delight to have a little bit of your time today. My name is Mark Femmel, Pastor here in St Louis and with Family Shield Ministries. I came … More

Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry

Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry-Part Two

Welcome back Family Shield Ministries folks with this Part 2 conversation with a precious part of the church, Julianna Schults. She is part of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Youth Ministry Department, and she is sharing her time with us … More

Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry

Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry

Starting a youth ministry, or trying to help one thrive, comes with a lot of questions. The LCMS Office of Youth Ministry has spent years understanding how you can better your youth group through studies, focus groups, and speaking with … More

Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry

Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry-Part One

Welcome back lovely listeners to Family Shield Ministries podcast and radio show. This is Mark Femmel, the pastor in St Louis and cohost. I’m excited to have this conversation because almost every church I have ever met has a problem–a … More

New Business Coordinator

Meet Our New Business & Ministry Coordinator

November 5, 2024 Meet Our New Business & Ministry Coordinator We are excited to announce that we have hired a new Business & Ministry Coordinator, Shirley Durrwachter. Prior to the Pandemic, she was a Project Manager for Maritz Motivation. She currently … More

Journey Through Church History

Journey Through Church History

This engaging student book teaches school-age children about the history of the Christian Church from a Lutheran perspective. ​​​​​​​Written by Christa Petzold, pastor’s wife, homeschool mom, and high school theology teacher, this book teaches about several church fathers and answers … More

Journey Through Church History

Journey Through Church History

My name is Mark Femmel in St. Louis and I am blessed to have a conversation with somebody who has written the book that I wish I could give to myself as a kid. This is from Concordia publishing house … More

A Little of This and That

A Little of This and That!

October 10, 2024 A Little of This and That! My brother-in-law, Pat, passed away recently. He remained my brother-in-law even after my sister and he divorced. They remarried once, but again divorced. My husband thought of Pat as the brother … More

God's Encouraging Word

God’s Encouraging Word

Welcome to all of our listeners to Family Shield Ministries. My name is Mark Femmel and I’m a pastor and I’m co-host of Family Shield Ministries. The big question we have today is how can you have the right words … More

The Men We Need by Bret Hansen

The Men We Need

The world needs real men, real bad. And there are all sorts of conflicting ideas and messages about what a “real man” is (and is not). Is a real man one who hunts, loves sports, grills meat, fixes cars, and … More

The Men We Need

The Men We Need

Hello Family Shield Ministries folks. This is Mark Femmel coming to you with a very unique book, The Men We Need. it’s a very unique book because often times the church is for women, and women feel at home in … More

Leading by Faith by James F. Sanft

Leading by Faith: Practical Insights for Christian Leaders

Drawing on decades of experience, James F. Sanft shares insights and encouragement for Christian leaders. Part 1 addresses common leadership misconceptions, while part 2 offers practical discussion for how leaders can get things done-all from a biblical perspective. by James … More

Leading by Faith

Leading by Faith

As parents it’s very easy to get caught in the rut of trying to do everything–getting the kids everywhere they need to be, trying to help every kid with every homework assignment, trying to iron out every little wrinkle that … More

An Employment Opportunity

An Employment Opportunity

August 15, 2024 An Employment Opportunity As Administrative Assistant for Family Shield Family Shield Ministries is searching for a part-time six hours a week Administrative Assistant. If you would like to learn more and/or review the job description, contact us … More


Evangelism Podcasts

July 24, 2024 Evangelism Podcasts Dear Friends and Supporters, One of my friends who is also a Family Shield supporter asked me a couple weeks ago about Family Shield podcasts that address evangelism and witnessing. She wanted a list for … More

FSM Update

Family Shield Ministries Update

July 8, 2024 Family Shield Ministries Update An Employment Opportunity As Administrative Assistant for Family Shield  Family Shield Ministries recently began its search for a part-time Administrative Assistant. If you would like to learn more and review the job description, … More

Summer Activities Remind Me of God

The 4th of July and Summer Activities Remind Me of God

June 28, 2024 Fourth of July and Summer Activities Remind Me of God From Kay Meyer’s column in the St. Louis Metro Voice newspaper  What are your favorite memories of summers? What about the 4th of July—is it a holiday you … More

Devotions for Prodigal Parents

Devotions for Prodigal Parents

June 20, 2024 Comfort – How the Lord Provides Comfort I often speak with my father about what was going through his mind (and my mom’s) when I walked in darkness. I look back and wonder what in the world … More

Just Words?

Just Words?

June 6, 2024 Just Words? We all have heard the rhyme, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me.” But is the saying really true? When someone gives us an encouraging word, we feel our … More

Share Your Faith with Your Family

Share Your Faith with Your Family

May 9, 2024 We encourage you to take a family prayer walk together this week! Fun Family Devotions for the Home From Kay Meyer’s column in the St. Louis Metro Voice newspaper from 1994 to 2013. It’s tough, isn’t it? … More

Concordia Center for the Family

Concordia Center for the Family

Welcome to Family Shield. Today we’ll learn about Concordia Center for the Family and how they equip congregations and their members to disciple children and families for Christ. We’ll also learn about relationships from Dr Todd Biermann’s book Handing Out … More

This is My Body Summit

This is My Body Summit

April 23, 2024 You are invited to attend THIS IS MY BODY SUMMIT Saturday, May 4, 2024 8:30am – 12:00pm Chapel of the Cross Lutheran Church 907 Jungermann Road St. Peters, MO 63376 Our speaker will be Reverend Michael Salemink, … More

Resurrection Encounters with Jesus

Resurrection Encounters with Jesus

At the moment of Jesus’ death the curtain in the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. What does the tearing of the temple mean? How many days did Jesus appear … More

Kay Meyer to Retire!

April 11, 2024 Kay Meyer to retire! Thanks for reading the Family Shield newsletter! I founded Family Shield as a non-profit organization in 1994. 2024 is our 30th anniversary. It has been my joy and privilege to serve each of … More

Witnessing to a Jehovah's Witness

Beginning a Bible Study for Prodigal Parents

Why do parents of prodigals experience heartache and pain when their child either stops attending church or leaves the faith? How can a church begin a small group for parents of prodigals? What do you do as you begin your … More

God loves our prodigals

Praying for Prodigals

March 27, 2024 Praying for Prodigals Discover Renewed Hope for the Prodigals in Your Life From time to time we like to make our Family Shield listeners and supporters aware of resources offered by other ministries that we believe will … More

Held by Grace

Held by Grace: When a Child Walks Away from the Faith

March 7, 2024 Held by Grace: When a Child Walks Away from the Faith By Alice Trebus Note: This article will discuss why children turn away from God; reveal the author’s own story of what happened in her daughter’s case; … More

Can't Leave Those Hugs Behind

Can’t Leave Those Hugs Behind!

February 19, 2024 Can’t Leave Those Hugs Behind! I want to share some stories of my friend, Ellen Hetz, and her family. Ellen is now with the Lord. One of my earliest memories is of Ellen’s oldest son, Ross and … More

Faith Family Reunion Merges with Family Shield

Family Shield Ministries (FSM) Board of Directors unanimously approved taking over the ministry that was previously accomplished through Faith Family Reunion (FFR) at its March 2023 FSM Board meeting. Faith Family Reunion (FFR) was founded by Paula Isakson. It has … More

Jews for Jesus

Jews for Jesus – Part 2

Hello and welcome to Family Shield Ministries. We are on mission to help families walk together and with each other, and of course to walk with God. I’m Pastor Mark Femmel, part of the Family Shield Ministries crew, and I … More

I Have a Prodigal, Now What

I Have a Prodigal, Now What?

January 12, 2024 I Have a Prodigal, Now What? Paula Isakson was the presenter for the January 2024 Missouri District Webinar. Here it is: The video above, “I Have a Prodigal, Now What?” is presented by Paula Isakson. Sadly today, … More

Jews for Jesus

Jews For Jesus – Part 1

Hello and welcome to Family Shield Ministries. We are on mission to help families walk together with each other and with God. I am Pastor Mark Femmel, part of the Family Shield Ministries crew and I’m blessed to share the … More


January 12, 2024 Ask, Seek, Knock Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it will be opening to you. (Matthew 7:7) God has given to use the privilege of prayer. Because of Jesus’ … More

Avoiding a Family Shipwreck

Avoiding a Family Shipwreck

Hello Family Shield Ministries Network. We have a very precious opportunity to have a conversation once again with the incredible Rev. Dr. Gary Chapman. That’s one of those names that if you’re a minister, you know exactly who it is. … More

Merry Christmas!

December 20, 2023 And she gave birth to her first-born son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn (Luke 2:7) Dear Family Shield friend, Thank … More

Share Your Faith During the Holidays

December 11, 2023 Share Your Faith During the Holidays “We couldn’t wait to tell the shoppers about the greatest gift of all…Jesus, the Savior or the world!” Several years ago, members of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Eureka, Missouri, used … More

Putting God Back in the Holidays

Putting God Back in the Holidays

Instead of the joy-filled celebrations that we build up in our minds, the holidays (pick one, any one) can often become stress-filled, money-draining, joy-less days of the year that we just “want to get through.” And it is by our … More

Putting God Back in the Holidays

Putting God Back in the Holidays

What is the historical background of Thanksgiving? How do we prepare for Thanksgiving with our families, and why is it sometimes hard to keep Christ at the center of our holidays? How do you welcome the Lord to your Christmas … More

Holiday Activities for the Family

Holiday Activities for the Family

November 21, 2023 Strengthen Your Family – Eat Meals Together How can you strengthen your family? That’s a question that many people ask us. One way to strengthen your family is to eat meals together regularly. Did you know that … More

Celebrating Life in the Midst of Opposition

November 10, 2023 Celebrating Life in the Midst of Opposition Luke 2:21—40 How did you celebrate the birth of your child or grandchild? Fathers sometimes hand out cigars when a baby is born. New parents send out birth announcements to … More

Challenges Prodigal Parents Face

Challenges Prodigal Parents Face

Why do prodigal parents deal with heartache and pain when their children no longer attend church or practice their faith? How do we show unconditional love to our prodigal children? Why is prayer so important; and how can small groups … More

Getting Acquainted with Our Neighbors

How can Christians get acquainted with their neighbors? How do we befriend neighbors that have a different worldview than we do? And as God opens doors, how can we share our faith in Christ with them? My guest today is … More

Unshakable: Standing on the Rock When Life Quakes Hard

Unshakable: Standing on the Rock When Life Quakes

At some point, our life is shaken by suffering, heartache, or loss. Donna Snow’s video Bible study, UNSHAKABLE, looks at eight remarkable men and women from the Bible that God shook to the core and then used them to point … More


Unshakable: Standing on the Rock When Life Quakes

Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world.” At some point, our lives will be shaken by suffering, heartache, or loss. When this occurs we can ask these questions: will we … More

Unshakable: Standing on the Rock when Life Quakes

September 25, 2023 Unshakable: Standing on the Rock When Life Quakes Yesterday I interviewed Donna Snow, the author of a new Bible study entitled, “Unshakable: Standing on the Rock When Life Quakes Hard.” It is such a great Bible study … More

Thank you for your partnership in the gospel!

Thank You for Your Partnership in the Gospel!

October 5, 2023 Thank you for your partnership in the gospel! Dear Family Shield Friend, Thank you for your prayers and support of Family Shield Ministries! Your support enables us to accomplish our mission & vision. We are blessed that … More

5 Traits of a Healthy Family

Five Traits of a Healthy Family

Is your family all that it could be? Many feel bombarded by images and experiences of broken families, but this is not how God intended families to be! So often we examine the traits of unhealthy families, but Gary Chapman … More

Healthy Family

Five Traits of a Healthy Family

Dr Gary Chapman, author of the 5 Traits of a Healthy Family, shares. The family has been bombarded with influences ranging from the lure of bigger, better, more, to our culture’s emphasis on personal happiness above all else. Young people … More

Can God Ever Forgive Me?

September 7, 2023 Can God Ever Forgive Me? There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1).  “God will never be able to forgive me for what I did. What should I do?” A … More

Dealing with an Eating Disorder

Dealing with an Eating Disorder

Patti took a leap of bravery and faith to acknowledge an eating disorder she had since she was a teenager and sought help. Her eating disorder began with negative thoughts about herself and how she viewed her body when she … More

Light at the End of the Tunnel

There is Light at the End of the Tunnel!

August 17, 2023 There is Light at the End of the Tunnel! written by Kay L. Meyer There is light at the end of the tunnel. I thought about this statement recently as I realized our nine-month project to restore … More

Manage Stress and Survive Crisis

Manage Stress and Survive Crisis

July 26, 2023 The Sixth Trait that Builds Strong, Healthy Families Manage Stress and Survive Crisis written by Kay L. Meyer Ruth called the Family Shield office to ask for prayer and shared, “My 41-year-old son was in a serious … More

Dealing with Trauma

Dealing with Trauma

What is trauma? What types of events cause trauma? What are some of the warning signs to watch for, and how do we learn to cope and eventually recover from trauma? Join us today as we discuss dealing with trauma. … More

Let's Take a Prayer Walk

Let’s Take a Prayer Walk

July 12, 2023 Let’s Take a Prayer Walk! Gethsemane Lutheran Church Takes a Churchwide Prayer Walk Gethsemane Lutheran Church members in Lemay, Missouri took a church wide prayer walk last month to pray for their Clarity Phase of the new … More

Ten Questions to Ask Every Time You Read the Bible

Ten Questions to Ask Every Time You Read the Bible

The Bible can sometimes feel intimidating. It can be both a history book and an encyclopedia as it can teach about the cultures and attitudes of the people living during Biblical times, but it also can answer questions you may … More

Paula Isakson

Have No Fear But Scissor Kicks

June 28, 2023 Greetings from Family Shield Ministries Greetings from Paula Isakson,  Hope all is going well with you and that you are having a great start to the summer! I wanted to reach out to you to let you … More

Improving our prayer life

Improving Our Prayer Life

How can we improve our prayer life? Why should we pray more and worry less? Join us today on Family Shield as we learn what the Bible says about prayer, discuss how to improve our prayer life, help our children … More

The Power of the Gospel

The Power of the Gospel

June 14, 2023 Greetings from Family Shield Ministries Today’s devotion is written by Debbie Wittke. The devotion was originally written for Faith Family Reunion. FFR is now part of Family Shield Ministries. *** We pray that you are encouraged by … More

Father's Day Special

Family Shield’s Father’s Day Special

God created the family and He wants parents to raise their children to know and love the Lord. Today is the Family Shield Father’s Day Special – Why are fathers so important to their children? Why is it important for … More


The Museum of the Bible

The Bible has endured for generations, been shared around the world, and is still the best selling book of all time. The Museum of the Bible located in Washington DC is a 430,000 square foot building that preserves an abundance … More

happy family

Faith Family Reunion Merges with Family Shield

May 12, 2023 Dear Friend: Greetings in our Savior’s name! Family Shield Ministries (FSM) Board of Directors unanimously approved taking over the ministry that was previously accomplished through Faith Family Reunion (FFR) at its March 2023 FSM Board meeting. Faith … More

Learning about Faith Family Reunion

Learning About Faith Family Reunion

Family Shield Ministries’ board of directors unanimously approved taking over the ministry of Faith Family Reunion at its March 2023 board meeting. Faith Family Reunion has ministered to parents and grandparents that had adult children raised in the church but … More

Witnessing in Our Daily Lives

Witnessing in Our Daily Lives

How can a coffee shop be used to introduce people to Christ? How can we as Christians learn to open up conversations and build trusting relationships with those we meet in our community? Join us today as I talk with … More

Family Shield Resources cover

Family Shield Resources

April 25, 2023 Rev. Mark Femmel of Zion Lutheran Church and Kay Meyer in the Family Shield studio Family Shield Resources Weekly radio program and podcast Map of radio stations, day and time the program airs in the United States … More

Screen Kids: 5 Skills Every Child Needs in a Tech-Driven World by Gary Chapman and Arlene Pellicane

Screen Kids: 5 Skills Every Child Needs in a Tech-Driven World

Has Technology Taken Over Your Home? In this digital age, children spend more time interacting with screens and less time playing outside, reading a book, or interacting with family. Though technology has its benefits, it also has its harms. In Screen … More

Screen Kids

Screen Kids

Has technology taken over your home? In this digital age children spend more time absorbed in screens and less time playing outside, reading a book, or enjoying family. With Screen Kids you’ll become empowered to make positive changes in your … More

Easter video message from Kay Meyer and Rev. Mark Frith from Family Shield Ministries

Let’s Proclaim the Resurrection!

April 8, 2023 Watch an Easter video message from Kay Meyer and Rev. Mark Frith from Family Shield Ministries Let’s Proclaim the Resurrection! Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, Salome, Joanne, and the other women (Luke 24:10) quietly walked … More

Promised Rest: Finding Peace in God's Presence

Promised Rest: Finding Peace in God’s Presence

Living in a broken, unfixable world weighs heavy on every individual’s heart. How can you find rest in a world that’s overwhelmingly restless? Where do you begin to find God’s peace in a world bombarded with strife and the devil’s … More

Jesus' Heart for the Lost

Jesus Heart for the Lost

March 29, 2023 Jesus’ Heart for the Lost The Lord turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered the words the Lord had spoken to him, how He had told him, “Before the cock crows today, you will deny Me … More

Jesus Said WHAT?

Jesus Said WHAT?

Author Christopher Kennedy tackles some of words of Jesus that people may struggle to understand. It may seem easier to avoid some of Jesus’ tough sayings, but instead of shying away from these passages, Kennedy urges readers to look to … More

Jesus Said WHAT?

Jesus Said WHAT?

In our culture of sound bites it’s easy for Jesus’ words to be taken out of context and misunderstood. What do we make of these challenging words? Jesus Said WHAT? is a book written by Christopher Kennedy. The book brings … More

Teacher with child

Sharing Christ with Jehovah’s Witnesses

March 13, 2023 Mrs. Kay, I Didn’t Do Anything Wrong! Rebecca was a five-year-old that I had in my preschool class many years ago. Our class was full. But one of our moms came to me and told me about … More

Ministering to the Grieving

Ministering to the Grieving

What is grief and why do people grieve differently? How can Christians find ways to share God’s love with people who are grieving that know the Lord? How can we offer God’s comfort and peace to those who are grieving … More

Happy family, playing

The Five Love Languages of Children

February 28, 2023 The Five Love Languages of Children And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, Let the … More

Reaching Young Adults

Reaching Young Adults

Why are so many young adults leaving the church? How do we learn to open up conversations with those who are unchurched about faith issues? And what should a church for Millennials look like and do? Join us today as … More

5-Minute Bible Studies for Couples

5-Minute Bible Studies for Couples

Whether they’re caught in a whirlwind of wedding plans or celebrating their anniversary, engaged and married couples need time to sit down and think about what marriage looks like when it is centered on Christ. Designed to help couples grow … More

5-Minute Bible Studies for Couples

How can a couple stay connected? How can a couple keep their marriage centered on Christ; and how can a couple receive encouragement during times of joy and times of stress? By staying connected to God’s Word. 5-Minute Bible Studies … More

Meet Our Board of Directors

Meet the Board of Directors

February 13, 2023 Dear Family Shield Friend, I want to introduce you to the Family Shield Ministries Board of Directors. The following information is from our website: Kay L. Meyer, President and Host Kay Meyer is the founder and president … More

Limping with God

Limping with God

Jacob seems to be anything but a model disciple. He’s a trickster, liar, and selfishly ambitious man who fathers children with four women and leads a dysfunctional family rife with jealousy and backstabbing. But Jacob is also Israel, the namesake … More

Limping with God facebook sharing

Limping with God

Jacob seems to be anything but a model disciple. He’s a trickster, liar, and a selfishly ambitious man who fathers children with four women and leads a dysfunctional family life with jealousy and backstabbing. But Jacob is also Israel, the … More

Spiritual Warriors

January 26, 2023 Dear Friend and Spiritual Warrior, Thank you for your prayers and support! This is the letter we send to those who tell us they are interested in learning more about our work. Would you read it and then … More

Witnessing to a Jehovah's Witness

Witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses

Why did Matthew, a college student raised as a Jehovah’s Witness leave the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society? How did Matthew’s friend, Daniel show love and help him learn more about what Christians believe and teach? And how did Daniel … More

Family sitting on couch, having fun

Happy New Year!

January 11, 2023 Happy New Year! As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves, and carried about by every wind of doctrine by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming, … More

Meaningful Outreach: An Essential Guide for Churches

Meaningful Outreach: An Essential Guide for Churches

Outreach is more than hosting community events and hoping they stick! Getting unchurched people through your doors is one thing, but engaging them over time is another. Effective outreach helps people move from congregational visitors to committed members and disciples … More

The Average Disciple podcast

The Full Life: Family with Kay Meyer

Kay Meyer was a recent guest on The Average Disciple podcast. Every episode of The Average Disciple is an opportunity to better understand how we live our lives on purpose, with intention, as disciples of Jesus, not measuring our lives … More

Unwrapping the Names of Jesus for Kids

Unwrapping the Names of Jesus for Kids

Based on the best-selling Advent devotional that’s helped over 100,000 families recapture the joy of Christmas! “Tell us the story again, Mama!” Unwrapping the Names of Jesus for Kids begins with this enthusiastic plea. What follows is the captivating story of how … More

Unwrapping the Names of Jesus

Unwrapping the Names of Jesus

How to focus on Christ during Advent Most Christians agree that Christmas is all about Jesus, yet most of us spend little time preparing our hearts to celebrate Him. Why is this? Partly because we don’t know how. In Unwrapping … More

Unwrapping the Names of Jesus

Unwrapping the Names of Jesus

What if you could spend this Christmas season delighting in your Savior instead of trying to create a picture perfect holiday? Christmas is all about the birth of Christ yet we often are more focused on finishing our holiday to-do … More

Merry Christmas from the Meyer family!

Merry Christmas!

December 8, 2022 Merry Christmas!  The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they shall call Him Immanuel which means “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). Dear Family Shield Friend, Soon we’ll again celebrate Christmas, … More

Thanksgiving cover

Thanksgiving and Holiday Traditions

November 23,2022 Treasured Memories and Traditions  But Timothy has just now come to us from you and has brought good news about your faith and love. He has told us that you always have pleasant memories of us and that … More

Reclaiming Home : A family's guide for life, love & legacy by Krista Gilbert

Reclaiming Home: A Family’s Guide for Life, Love & Legacy

Are you watching as your family spins out of control? Are you pulled in so many directions that you aren’t doing anything well? We live in an era when children often know more about their electronic devices than their own … More

Reclaiming Home

Reclaiming Home

We live in an era when children often know more about their electronic devices than their own family history. Parents invest more time in the carpool line than at the dinner table, and marriages teeter on the cliff of neglect. … More

Advent and the Christmas Season

Advent and the Christmas Season

Advent is a time of anticipation and preparation for the birth of our Savior. A sure sign that Christmas is coming is when we see Advent calendars in the stores and our homes. If your children and grandchildren are like … More

Surviving a Crisis

Surviving a Crisis

Surviving a crisis is one of the hardest things a family can go through. It is also one of the six traits that research has shown can help build strong, healthy families. Today I’ve invited Dana Herbst to share what … More

Recent books

Children and the Five Love Languages

November 10,2022 These are pictures of some of the books and authors we have featured on the Family Shield radio program and podcast.  The Five Love Languages of Children And they were bringing children to him that he might touch … More

Introducing Christianity to Mormons

Introducing Christianity to Mormons

Share Jesus with Your LDS Friends and Family One of our greatest challenges as Christians is sharing the truth with those who believe they’ve already found it. When witnessing to current or former members of The Church of Jesus Christ … More

Why I Left the Mormon Church

Introducing Christianity to Mormons

One of the great challenges Christians face is sharing the truth with those who believe they have already found it. When witnessing to current or former members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, it’s essential that you … More

Let's Learn About the Reformation

The Reformation

What was the reformation? Who was involved? And why is it so important 500 years later? Join us today as I interview Rev. William Marler about the reformation. He’s the senior pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Springfield, Missouri, and … More

Family Outdoors

Fun Family Devotions for the Home

October 25, 2022 Fun Family Devotions for the Home From Kay Meyer’s column in the St. Louis Metro Voice newspaper from 1994 to 2013. It’s tough, isn’t it? Even in Christian families tempers sometimes flare. Christians sometimes find themselves irritated … More

Family Outdoors

Let’s Connect!

October 7, 2022 Family Shield Ministries Thank you for your prayers and support! You are special to us! We have a complimentary copy of our newest booklet: Let’s Walk & Pray! Ideas for Your Family and Friends Prayer Walk available as our gift to you … More

An Ex-Jehovah’s Witness Shares Her Faith Journey

Why do Jehovah’s Witnesses leave the Watchtower Society? Many ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses are disfellowshipped. They can also experience guilt and anger after they leave. Why do they need hope that is only possible when we know the Christ of the Bible, … More

Group Bible study

Family Shield Ministries

September 23, 2022 Family Shield Ministries Did you know that the gospel-focused, Christ-centered Family Shield radio program airs on 54 radio stations and is heard by more than 850,000 people each week? Sometimes people are surprised to learn that the … More

Dragons: Legends & Lore of Dinosaurs

Dragons: Legends & Lore of Dinosaurs

Today on Family Shield we’ll explore the links between Dragon myths and the reality of dinosaurs. Did you know there are dragon legends in nearly every culture from China to Australia, India to Europe, the Americas, and Persia to the … More

Discipling our Children for Christ

Discipling Our Children for Christ

Raising children to know and love the Lord in today’s world is a joy, a privilege, and a challenge. Parenting is the most important job you will ever have. How can we maintain a Christ-centered home while juggling jobs, sports, … More

M&Ms Remind Me of God!

M&Ms Remind Me of God!

September 9, 2022 M&Ms Remind Me of God by Kay L. Meyer “Mom, wake up! It’s time for us to get ready to go to church.” “Dad, can I invite Larry to go to church and Sunday school with me … More

Who is in Control?

Who is in Control?

August 24, 2022 God is in Control The following story was written by Pat Burke, a friend of the ministry. My husband, Rog, & I decided drive to a shopping mall about 40 minutes from our home. We had a … More

Meyer Family 1981

Family Shield’s Early Years (1981-1994)

Hello this is Kay Meyer of Family Shield Ministries. Many people have asked me how and why did you start Family Shield? Because it’s a long story, I seldom talk about our early years. But I think it would be … More

I Don’t Want to Be Baptized!

July 28, 2022 Rev. David Jander and a child he baptized at Trinity Lutheran Church in Carver, MN. “I Don’t Want to Be Baptized!” Some years ago I was the Spiritual Life Director and LCMS Liaison for a Christian maternity home. … More

Grace Under Pressure: Responding Faithfully to Stress

Grace Under Pressure: Responding Faithfully to Stress

The pressures of life can be overwhelming. Stressful circumstances cause us to sin. While feeling stress is not a sin, how we react to it can be. Everyone has been on the receiving and giving end of ungrateful behavior, expressing … More

8 Simple Tools for Raising Great Kids

8 Simple Tools for Raising Great Kids

Finally, a practical book for busy parents! Whether you find parenting intuitive or impossible, we could all use a hand here and there. And we could use it quick! In 8 Simple Tools, child psychologist and father Todd Cartmell walks you through the nuts and … More

And She was a Christian: Why Do Believers Commit Suicide?

And She was a Christian: Why Do Believers Commit Suicide?

Suicide has been a historically difficult and taboo topic for the church. Christians, perhaps even more so than nonbelievers, are often appalled or distressed by this horrific act and can struggle to understand it. This is especially true when it … More


Forgiveness: Received from God Extended to Others

An unfamiliar car parks near your house, and two pleasant-looking folks approach your front door. The doorbell rings, and after exchanging pleasantries, your unexpected guests offer you some literature from the Watchtower Society. What will you say? What should you say? Should … More

Answering the Objections of Atheists, Agnostics, & Skeptics

Answering the Objections of Atheists, Agnostics, & Skeptics

An unfamiliar car parks near your house, and two pleasant-looking folks approach your front door. The doorbell rings, and after exchanging pleasantries, your unexpected guests offer you some literature from the Watchtower Society. What will you say? What should you say? Should … More

Without this Ring: Surviving Divorce

Without this Ring: Surviving Divorce

Does God hate me for getting a divorce? A survival guide for Christians who are navigating the minefield of divorce. Author Donna Pyle has been through it. She knows what it s like, dealing with the anger, struggling with the … More

Conversations with Jehovah's Witnesses

Conversations with Jehovah’s Witnesses

An unfamiliar car parks near your house, and two pleasant-looking folks approach your front door. The doorbell rings, and after exchanging pleasantries, your unexpected guests offer you some literature from the Watchtower Society. What will you say? What should you say? Should … More

What Happens After Life?

What Happens After Life? 21 Amazing Revelations About Heaven and Hell

Do you wonder what happens when you die? If so, you’ll love these short, inspirational explanations of the Bible’s most encouraging teachings about heaven. Trusted Bible teacher Ron Rhodes combines his rock-solid scriptural insight with illustrations from leaders throughout church … More

Behold I Am Coming Soon!

Behold, I am Coming Soon!

This devotional features 28 unique entries based on the book of Revelation to help guide readers through the Advent season. With all the hustle and bustle and preparations for Christmas, these devotions will help you pause to recall Jesus’ birth … More

Breaking the Patterns of Depression

Breaking the Patterns of Depression

Twenty to thirty million Americans suffer from some form of diagnosable depression, and their ranks are growing. Psychologist Michael D. Yapko explains that in order to find relief, more than the current episode of depression must be examined. In Breaking the … More

Hope When Your Heart Breaks

Hope When Your Heart Breaks: Navigating Grief and Loss

Grieving occurs in many situations in life; grief is usually associated with death, but it can occur after any loss-divorce, layoffs, the end of a friendship. In this book, author Michael Newman writes 52 short devotion-style chapters that focus on … More

Gospel DNA

Gospel DNA: Five Markers of a Flourishing Church

Millions of new believers in Jesus. Thousands of new churches. Communities rallying around the Gospel. Innovative efforts to send workers into the harvest fields. A Gospel movement sweeping a nation. This isn’t merely a description of what God is doing … More

Mormonism 101: Examining the Religon of the Latter-day Saints

Mormonism 101: Examining the Religion of the Latter-day Saints

Mormonism is one of the fastest growing religions in the world. For those who have wondered in what specific ways Mormonism differs from the Christian faith, Mormonism 101 provides definitive answers, examining the major tenets of Mormon theology and comparing them with … More

God Loves Moms

God Loves Moms: Twelve Lessons About God’s Mercy

The women we read about in God s Word were just regular women like us. And they had the same insecurities and vulnerabilities that we all feel. This study digs deep into the stories of thirteen biblical women for a … More

First Time Dad

First Time Dad: The Stuff You Really Need to Know

Perhaps the most powerful influence in the world is that of a dad on his child. Baseball gloves, dirty diapers, tiny little hands, first days of school, daddy-daughter dances, and learner’s permits… and so much more! There’s no way you … More

No More Perfect Moms

No More Perfect Moms: Learn to Love Your Real Life

If you have ever forgotten to pick up your kids, accidentally worn two different shoes to the grocery store, or lost your cool over a messy house, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! In No More Perfect Moms, Jill Savage says it how it … More

The Secret Life of Angels by Ron Rhodes

The Secret Life of Angels

You’ve probably seen depictions of angels in popular TV shows and movies, and you may have read about angel encounters. Curiously, however, these accounts often have little in common with the Bible’s portrayal of angels. How can you tell what … More

Raising Godly Girls

Raising Godly Girls

A thoughtful, personal, and affirming discussion of how Christian mothers can influence and prepare their daughters for confident living in today’s culture. This conversational book for Christian mothers of daughters is offered as encouragement to deflect and defend against the … More

Perseverance: Praying Through Life's Challenges by Donna Pyle

Perseverance: Praying Through Life’s Challenges

We all have it: That one thing that’s keeping each of us from a fuller life. It could be a habit to break, a goal to accomplish, or a lingering project to complete. What if we, like Nehemiah, persevered with single-minded focus … More

Restoring America to the Strength of its Roots

U-Turn: Restoring America to the Strength of its Roots

The United States became a unique, prosperous, and admired nation because of its faith in God and the willingness of the people to abide by God’s standards and principles. Over time, however, the people’s urge to glorify self rather than … More

The Challenge of the Cults and New Religions by Dr. Ron Rhodes

The Challenge of the Cults and New Religions

Cults and New Religions Aren’t Hard to FindThey’re in your neighborhood . . . your workplace . . . your school . . . maybe even your family.Cults are flourishing across America. Chances are, you’ve encountered one, perhaps even know … More

How to Rescue Your Loved One from the Watchtower by David A. Reed

How to Rescue your Loved One from the Watchtower

Each year thousands of husbands, wives, sons and daughters are converted by Jehovah’s Witnesses through their so-called free home Bible study. This book tells exactly what to do to rescue them from the JWs. The main point to remember when … More

The Marriage Whisperer

The Marriage Whisperer: Tips to Improve Your Relationship Overnight

This jargon-free, self-help title is written by an experienced Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and inspired by over 10,000 conversations. It delivers 70 couple stories with humor and includes practical tips and tools for lasting relationship improvement. Popular themes like … More

One Nation Under God: Healing Racial Divides

One Nation Under God: Healing Racial Divides in America

Amid divisive rhetoric, violence, riots, and racial tensions, confusion arises—how can Christians tear down the racial walls dividing our country? This division stems from a lack of communication, empathy, and understanding. Author Rev. B. Keith Haney, an African American LCMS pastor, encourages … More

Peacemaking Women

Peacemaking Women: Biblical Hope for Resolving Conflict

Women have a strong desire for relational connections. Relationships between women can be especially enriching, but when conflict arises, they also can be especially damaging. Too many women approach conflict as if they were unbelievers with gossip, spiteful actions, bitterness, … More

Family Wellness: Raising Resilient, Christ-Purposed Children

Family Wellness: Raising Resilient, Christ-Purposed Children

Wellness is important to everything, making sure that you’re keeping yourself healthy and balanced in all aspects of life. But have you considered the wellness of your family? Is your family well in all meanings of the word: physically, spiritually, … More

We're Not Blended - We're Pureed

We’re Not Blended, We’re PurĂ©ed

Can two families learn to cohabitate? In peace? Ever? Are you terrified that you’ve turned into a version of the fairy-tale wicked stepparent? Do you paste on a smile and pretend your family is a vision of 1950s Main Street … More

The Five Love Languages

The Five Love Languages – The Secret to Love that Lasts

Falling in love is easy. Staying in love—that’s the challenge. How can you keep your relationship fresh and growing amid the demands, conflicts, and just plain boredom of everyday life? In the #1 New York Times international bestseller The 5 Love Languages, you’ll … More

There's a Prayer for That by Various Authors, Christopher S. 'Topher' Doerr (Editor)

There’s a Prayer for That

The Word encourages you to pray in every circumstance. Whether life leads you to bring thanks, praise, or troubles before God, he will listen. There’s a Prayer for That guides you in this continual conversation with God. This collection contains … More

Prayer: Learning How to Talk to God by Jeanette Groth

Prayer: Learning How to Talk to God

Daily prayer is an important facet of the Christian life. Nurture the habit of regular, confident conversation with God in your children, helping your entire family grow in faith together, in this charming illustrated book. Prayer: Learning How to Talk … More

5-Minute Bible Studies for Families

5-Minute Bible Studies: For Families

As parents and children race from work and school to extracurricular activities, chores, and more, finding time to stay connected in the Word as a family can be challenging. 5-Minute Bible Studies: For Families is designed with busy families in mind. This … More

Stepping Out to a Life on the Edge

Stepping Out to a Life on the Edge

Stepping Out invites readers on a personal exploration of why women have fears and insecurities and how to respond to Christ’s work in us. From the Author: As I connect with women around the country on a heart-to-heart level, I … More

Faith to Follow: The Journey of Becoming a Pastor's Wife

Faith to Follow: The Journey of Becoming a Pastor’s Wife

While her husband pursued a four-year Master of Divinity degree from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Kate Meadows wondered how she fit into the process of her husband becoming a pastor. In the Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod, only men can … More

Faith that Engages the Culture

Faith that Engages the Culture

Talking about Christianity outside of church or your groups is difficult, especially if you’re talking to a non-Christian. Witnessing shouldn’t be as difficult as it seems, and it’s not nearly as scary. Following his previous book, Faith That Sees Through the … More

God is Bigger than your Cancer

God is Bigger than your Cancer

If God is Bigger Than Your Cancer, then where is He? It’s OK to have questions of God; as a matter of fact, He welcomes them. Why did God Make Cancer? Is My Cancer Bigger Than God? Why me? Why did … More

Satan's Lies by Michael Newman

Satan’s Lies

Who are you and what is your life all about? Are you aware that there is a force trying to steer your life off course with false outlooks, confused thoughts, and self-destructive actions? It’s time to clear up the confusion. Satan’s … More

Equipped: The Armor of God for Everyday Struggles

Equipped: The Armor of God for Everyday Struggles

Who are you and what is your life all about? Are you aware that there is a force trying to steer your life off course with false outlooks, confused thoughts, and self-destructive actions? It’s time to clear up the confusion. Satan’s … More

Crossing the Chasm

Crossing the Chasm: Helping Mormons Discover the Bridge to God

Crossing the Chasm exposes the differences between the bridge Mormonism proposes and the biblical bridge – differences which are often obscured. Mark and Jon also offer practical tips for talking with Mormons so they too can experience the confidence of … More

Our Way Home: A Journey Through the Lord's Prayer by Daniel E. Paavola

Our Way Home: A Journey Through the Lord’s Prayer

When we pray, we’re often hesitant. Hesitant to believe that our small voices will be heard by the sovereign God reigning in heaven. Hesitant to think we even have the right words to say. But Jesus gave His disciples—and us—the … More

Connected to Christ: Witnessing in Everyday Life

Connected to Christ: Witnessing in Everyday Life

Evangelism. Witnessing. Sharing God’s Word. It’s all part of a toolkit that you were given the moment you were baptized into Christ’s family. And it’s a toolkit that anyone can be given through belief in Christ. But evangelism and witnessing … More

Reclaiming the Joy of Ministry

Reclaiming the Joy of Ministry

A life in Christian ministry can be tremendously rewarding and exhilarating. It can also be incredibly demanding and stressful. Professional church workers run the risk of becoming depleted—spiritually, relationally and vocationally, as well as physically and financially. Nearly every minister … More

The Spiritual Abuse Workbook

The Spiritual Abuse Recovery Workbook

The Spiritual Abuse Recovery Workbook represents four decades of research and experience by author David Henke. Within the pages of this workbook the author demonstrates the complexities of spiritual abuse, identifying underlying issues as well as recovery. Through it all, he shows … More

What Do I Say to a Jehovah's Witness?

What Do I Say to a Jehovah’s Witness?

Whether you have a Jehovah’s Witness friend, acquaintance, co-worker, family member, or loved one, engaging them in meaningful conversation is difficult. The Witnesses are taught to distrust any sources of religious truth other than their own. Attempts to question or … More

Overcoming Life's Sorrows

Overcoming Life’s Sorrows: Learning from Jeremiah

God’s creation is strong, pushing through and surviving even the worst of disasters. This has been a common fact for years, dating all the way back to biblical times. The Book of Jeremiah’s major theme is all about surviving disaster. … More

Family Playing Games

Families – Spend Time Together

July 8, 2022 Families – Spend Time Together! I like to use the above picture in our newsletter and on Facebook. Playing games with children of all ages is an excellent way to spend time together.  Spending time together is one of the six … More

Overcoming Sorrows

Overcoming Life’s Sorrows

How often do you experience sorrow? How often can you experience sorrow and recover? How can you keep your heart from turning to stone when it’s been wounded or broken? Is there a help that you can take that can … More

Family studying the Bible

Bible Storying for Families

What is the best way to study the Holy Bible? Which teaching methods are helpful for adults? What makes for the best learning for children? And are Christians studying the scriptures at all today? Our guest for today’s program is … More

The Rock of Our Salvation

June 17, 2022 The Rock of Our Salvation And who is the Rock except our God? Psalms 18:31 Rocks have many uses. Their strength lies in their durability. The Bible calls Jesus our Rock. He is the Rock of our … More

Spiritual Gifts

God’s Gifts for His Purpose

As the Body of Christ, the Holy Spirit gives each of his children unique abilities and various gifts to further His Kingdom. Hear how God has blessed a group of Christians who have united to give for the benefit of … More

Talking to People About Jesus

May 27, 2022 Talking to People About Jesus Talking to people about Jesus can be a joy, a privilege, and a challenge. Many people, within and outside of the church, think Jesus was only a man and that we should strive to be like him. … More

Dealing with Disabilities

Dealing with Disabilities

How can we help a relative or friend that has a disability? What can congregations do to help children and adults in Sunday school and church who have disabilities; and most importantly how do we help those with disabilities find … More

An Opportunity to Witness

May 6, 2022 An Opportunity to Witness I was surprised to get a letter from a Jehovah’s Witness couple last year during the pandemic. It was addressed to me at Family Shield Ministries. They invited me to meet with them … More

Foster Care

Foster Care and Foster Care Adoption

What is foster care? Why might people want to become foster parents? Can people adopt children or youth through the Foster Care Program in the United States? What challenges do the children and new parents face when this occurs? Join … More

Men studying Bible

What Do I Say to Jehovah’s Witnesses?

What should we say to Jehovah’s Witnesses that come to our door, to those we meet at work, or to those who hand out Watchtower literature to us at the airport? Why is prayer and relying upon the Lord so … More

Proclaim the Resurrection

Proclaim the Resurrection!

April 21, 2022 Proclaim the Resurrection! Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, Salome, Joanne, and the other women (Luke 24:10) quietly walked through the darkness just before sunrise, toward the grave site where Jesus’ body had been laid on … More

Easter Special

Easter Special

Lent is the time to remember the suffering Jesus endured to pay for our sins. In John 19:30 Jesus said, “It is finished.” Then He bowed His head and gave up His spirit. After Jesus died soldiers came and broke … More

Read Our Latest Newsletter

Let’s Move Mountains!

April 7, 2022 Help Us Move Mountains for Christ! Dear Family Shield Friend, Thank you for sharing your time, talents, and treasures with us!  You are special and we appreciate your prayers and support! Family Shield Ministries educational and evangelism … More

Where is Your Treasure

Where is Your Treasure?

March 25, 2022 Kay Meyer and her family. Where is Your Treasure? Matthew 13:44-52 Hello, boys and girls. Our Bible verse from today’s lesson is Mt. 13:44, “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a … More

Reaching Jews for Christ

Reaching Jews for Christ

How does Jews for Jesus, a Messianic, international, nonprofit organization reach Jews with the saving Gospel message? How do Jews for Jesus missionaries get acquainted with Jewish people and build positive trusting relationships? And why did the Apostle Paul say … More

The Last Words of Christ from the Cross

The Last Words of Christ from the Cross

Jesus said ”I am the resurrection and the life, He who believes in me shall live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and Believes In Me shall never die.” Do you believe this? You know we spend a … More

Bible Study

Recovering from Spiritual Abuse

Spiritual abuse has a devastating effect on people. Since a very high level of trust is often placed in spiritual leaders, it is expected that the trust will be honored and guarded. When trust is violated the wound is very … More


The Lord Created Pets

March 5, 2022 The Lord Created Pets! My husband and I adopted a two-year-old rescue dog recently. Our 17-year-old beloved dog died 4 months ago. He was our son, Jeff’s dog, before Jeff died of cancer in 2010. Jeff asked us to … More

The Well-being of Pastors and Church Workers

Saint Paul writes a letter to the Romans recorded as the book of Romans in the Bible, Chapter 1, that at long last he desires to come and visit with the Christians in Rome and he writes, “For I long … More

What is a cult?

What is a Cult?

February 15, 2022 What is a Cult? Over the years as I present educational programs on “Responding and Witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses” and “Responding and Witnessing to Mormons” I have had to explain to those who attend what a cult … More

Teen Mom and Son

The Story of a Single Teenage Mom and Her Son

Join us today on Family Shield as I visit with Vicar Chris Hill. His teenage mother became pregnant with him. She could have released him for adoption but instead, because she already loved him even in the womb, she raised … More

Growing a Loving Blended Family

Growing a Loving Blended Family

How do we build a loving, blended family? Bringing two families into one is challenging and rewarding. What are some of the joys of having a blended family? What challenges do blended families face? According to the American Academy of … More

Christians: Know and Love God's Word

Know & Love God’s Word

January 21, 2022 Christians: Know and Love God’s Word Twenty years ago I asked my husband for a new Bible. He got me one that we thought had a leather cover, but as the years went by, we realized it … More

Witnessing – A Lifestyle!

January 7, 2022 You’re Invited! You’re invited to attend “Witnessing—A Lifestyle,” a four-week Bible study on Fridays from January 28 through February 18 at Concordia Lutheran Church, 505 S. Kirkwood Rd., Kirkwood, Missouri 63122. It begins at 9:30 a.m. and … More

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

December 10, 2021 Merry Christmas And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks by night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and … More



What is loneliness, and how does it relate to isolation? What causes loneliness? What changes can we make in our lives to help recover from it? How can we help support those who are lonely or isolated? When do we … More

Family Playing Games

In His Name

November 24, 2021 In His Name I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again, I tell you that if two of … More

Family Playing Games

Treasured Memories and Traditions

November 10, 2021 Treasured Memories and Traditions But Timothy has just now come to us from you and has brought good news about your faith and love. He has told us that you always have pleasant memories of us and … More

Can God Forgive Me?

Can God Forgive Me?

October 27, 2021 Can God Ever Forgive Me? “God will never be able to forgive me for what I did. What should I do?” A distraught man shared with with his Christian friend. He continued, “I grew up in a … More

Connected to Christ-Witnessing in Everyday Life

Connected to Christ-Witnessing in Everyday Life

Most Christians know they should share their faith with those who do not yet know Jesus. But learning how to witness effectively can be challenging after all, we are broken, sinful people just like the people we strive to witness … More

The Holy Spirit

Let’s Learn About the Holy Spirit

Who is the third person of the Trinity and what does the Holy Spirit do? God’s Word tells us that when we have faith in Jesus we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and he comforts us in our … More

Mens Bible Study

Grow Into Maturity

October 12, 2021 Equip the Saints to Grow into Maturity Through the Word Jim was chairman of the Board of Education. I was chairman of the Board of Evangelism. At our monthly church council meeting some of the leaders would … More

Relying on God

Relying on God

September 24, 2021 Family Shield Ministries cares about families growing in Christ; and equips them to witness to each other and to the world. Relying on God Being unemployed is extremely stressful. But it has led many to rely on … More

Our Way Home: A Journey through the Lord's Prayer

Our Way Home: A Journey Through the Lord’s Prayer

Whether you’ve prayed the Lord’s Prayer 1000 times, or you’re not quite familiar with every word, Our Way Home invites you on an incredible, vivid journey through the Lord’s Prayer where you can discover the power, the beauty, and the … More

God's Word

God’s Word-Inspired by God!

September 10, 2021 Rev. Gregory Seltz and Kay Meyer at a Family Shield Ministries event God’s Word—Inspired by God! Miriam stood bravely in front of her college public speaking class. She was prepared to give her first three-minute speech. Her … More

Dealing with Anxiety

Dealing with Anxiety

Philippians 4:6-7 says “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ … More

There is Now No Condemnation

August 25, 2021 Stories of Those We Reach, Equip, and Serve The Family Shield Response Center staffed by volunteers, and employees follow-up with thousands of people each year. Many are unchurched or have questions about God and His Word. Some … More

Family Playing Games

Pray! God Listens!

August 5, 2021 The Haas family on Dauphin Island, Alabama. Used with permission. Family Prayer Walk Resources A Resource for Family Prayer Life and Prayer Walks: Document that teaches us about prayer and prayer walking. Family Prayer Walk Leadership Training: … More

Prayer and Witnessing

Witnessing Basics

Witnessing to those who are not Christians is not always easy, but all Christians are called to be His witnesses. Just as Christ shared God’s love in a myriad of ways, so can we. Consider some of the ways you … More

Family Playing Games

A Family Prayer Walk

July 23, 2021 The Herbst Family Prayer Walk Family Shield Ministries has promoted its family prayer walk to individuals, families, and congregations. Today we are featuring one family that recently took a family prayer walk to Creve Coeur Lake. Dana Herbst and her … More

Powell Family

Why are Fathers Important to Children?

Why are fathers important to their children? What are joys and challenges of fathers? Statistics tell us that children with involved fathers are more confident, better able to deal with frustration, better able to gain independence, and their own identity. … More

Family Playing Games

Be Persistent in Prayer

July 8, 2021 Be Persistent in Prayer Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7 How would you rate your prayer life? What have … More

Trust God

Families Trust Him

This year is the 20th anniversary of Family Shield Ministries as a nonprofit organization. Our theme for the year is “Families Trust Him.”  How have you trusted God in good times and in bad? Trusting the Lord in good times … More

Family Playing Games

Opportunities Abound to Share the Gospel

June 17, 2021 Opportunities Abound to Share the Gospel My husband, Chad, came home last week and shared, “Kay, I had a wonderful opportunity to share the gospel today with a man who is an immigrant. He works at the … More

Traveling with Children

Traveling with Children

Family Shield equips individuals and their families to implement the six traits that build strong, healthy families. Those traits include a commitment to each other’s welfare and happiness, appreciation and affection, positive communication, spending time together, spiritual well-being, and the … More

Family Playing Games

Traveling with Our Children

May 28, 2021 Traveling with Our Children Recently, in preparation for a program, we were planning on “Traveling with Our Children” I asked friends on my Facebook page, “What do you do with your children to keep them engaged as … More

Put on the whole armor of God

Equipped: The Armor of God for Everyday Struggles

When you hear the phrase spiritual warfare, you might think of angels, demons, and demonic encounters. But spiritual warfare also includes the battles you face everyday–battles of temptation, doubt, stress, and anxiety. The book, Equipped:The Armor of God for Everyday … More

Satan's Lies

Satan’s Lies

What are Satan’s lies? One lie is that Satan doesn’t exist. Another lie is that some people are beyond God’s grace. They’re just too evil to be saved. Join us today as I interview Michael Newman, the author of the … More

happy family

He Who Has the Son Has Life

May 12, 2021 Eternal Life is Ours Today! And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son … More

God is Bigger than your Cancer

Cancer Connection

What do you do when you’re diagnosed with cancer? How can you help a friend who is diagnosed with cancer; and how can churches help those in their congregation that have cancer? Join us today as I interview Karen Tripp, … More

He is Risen!

Stories of those We Touch Through the Ministry

April 29, 2021 Stories from the Ministry We recently updated stories on our website of those we touch through our various ministries. Stories are listed under each area of ministry. The following are a few of the people we have … More

Faith that Engages the Culture

Faith that Engages the Culture

As Christians we’re called to lovingly enter into conversations about our Savior with neighbors and those we meet in our daily life. It might be the person behind us at a coffee shop, someone we meet on a flight across … More

Prayer Walking Family

Family Prayer Walk Leadership Training

Prayer is powerful because God wants us to pray, and answers our prayers. He tells us we can move mountains when we believe and pray. In Matthew 17, we read “I tell you the truth, if you have faith as … More

Stepping Out to a Life on the Edge

Stepping Out to a Life on the Edge

There you are, at the edge of the diving board – will you take that plunge, or will you stand there, paralyzed by fear? How do you handle fear? What about worries and insecurity, pride, bitterness, and anger? How do … More

He is Risen!

After the Resurrection

April 8, 2021 A Family Shield Resurrection Quiz for You and Your Family Christians spend a lot of time before Easter learning about Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross for our sins. But, do we know as much about … More

Grieving the Loss of a Child

Grieving the Loss of a Child

If you’re a parent, you never expect to have your children die before you do; it’s just unnatural. Yet parents do lose children. Join us today as I interview Reverend Jerry Hayes. He and his wife have lost two sons–one … More

happy family

Healed Through Christ!

March 26, 2021 Dear Family Shield Friend, Family Shield Ministries invites you and your family to take a Family Prayer Walk together! The Family Prayer Walk (FPW) allows us to expand our prayer ministry as we strengthen and reach families … More

Bible studies for families

5-Minute Bible Studies for Families

How do you share your faith in the home? Would short Bible studies help if appropriate for families? Then join us today as I interview the author of “5-minute Bible Studies for Families.” The book uses relevant Bible passages to … More

Cancer - Courage through Christ

Cancer: Courage through Christ

Cancer is a word no one wants to hear from their doctor, but cancer occurs in many people’s lives. What is the cancer journey and treatment like? How does knowing our Savior, and prayer, give us courage on this journey? … More

Family Prayer Walk – Phase One

Family Shield Ministries invites you and your family to take a family prayer walk together. What is a family prayer walk, and how can you and your family participate? A family prayer walk is a time to pray together and … More

Q & A from Readers about Prayer and Prayer Walking

February 25, 2021 Family Shield’s Family Prayer Walk Question #1: I don’t feel comfortable praying out loud. Can I still do a prayer walk with my family? And can you give me suggestions so I can learn to pray out … More

Christian Family Health

Christian Family Health

How can we keep our family spiritually, emotionally, and physically healthy? Why are mothers often the ones that take on the responsibility of keeping the family healthy? Why is getting enough sleep, exercising, and eating a balanced diet important? How … More

Heaven is Our Home

Heaven is Our Home

Jesus said, “I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes in the one who sent me has eternal life and will not come to condemnation, but has passed from death to life.” He also said, “I am the … More

God's Promises for Families

God’s Promises for Families

Have you ever made a promise to yourself or another person? Maybe you made a vow to love and honor your spouse when you were married. Or you promised to be the best mom or dad ever. Or maybe you … More

Family Prayer Walk

Family Prayer Walk

February 10, 2021 Family Shield’s Family Prayer Walk Family Shield Ministries invites you and your family to take a Prayer Walk, and promote the prayer walk at your congregation.  Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I … More

Witnessing to Mormons

From Mormonism to Christianity

What causes an active Mormon to leave the Mormon Church? How does an ex Mormon feel when he leaves the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Join us today as I interview Micah Wilder. While on his Mormon missionary … More

Pray for Our Nation

Parents – Go First Into the Home

January 19, 2021 Parents–Go First Into the Home These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the … More

Once upon a time

Fairytales and Resilience Part 2

Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom far away, there lived… Anthropologists believe that storytelling is important to human existence. We use stories to make sense of our world, find meaning, and share understanding. Fairy tales teach values, ethics, … More


Balance-Christ Filled Living, Part Two

Have you and your family ever faced a serious challenge? It’s a fact —  life isn’t always fair or easy. Everyone faces challenges in their lives. Sometimes it’s when we were young and at other times it’s when we’re old. … More

Ask, Seek, Knock

Ask, Seek, Knock

January 8, 2021 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and you shall find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7 God has given us the privilege of prayer.  Because of Jesus’ death on the … More

Joining Jesus on His Mission

Joining Jesus on His Mission

How do we live our life with Jesus? How can we be everyday missionaries today? What is Jesus inviting you to notice, believe, or do? Join us today as I interview Greg Finke, author of Joining Jesus on His Mission: … More

Grandparents Witness to their Grandchildren

Grandparents Witness to their Grandchildren

Christmas and Easter are times for us to remember the suffering of our Savior and what He went through to gain forgiveness and eternal life for us, but they’re also opportunities to spend time with our family, our children, and … More

Family Shield Christmas Special

Family Shield Christmas Special

Behold! A virgin shall conceive and bear a son and His name shall be called Emmanuel which means God With Us. Join us today as we discuss God’s Word and what it says about the birth of Jesus Christ. Today … More

Merry Christmas from the Meyer family!

Transforming Lives Through the Gospel

December 21, 2020 Merry Christmas! Dear Family Shield Friend, My husband, Tjaden (Chad), and I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  Join us and others in praying for an end to the pandemic. Plans … More

herald angels

Christmas and the Angels

Have you ever noticed that angels often appear in the Christmas story? Gabriel appeared to Mary and told her to fear not. An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph and the shepherds were taken by surprise that night that … More

Prayer and Witnessing

Prayer & Witnessing

Why is prayer a critical part of the witnessing process? How can Christian congregations use prayer to build relationships with individuals and their families in the community? And how can congregations use prayer in their missionary efforts? Join us today … More

Merry Christmas from the Meyer family!

Merry Christmas

December 7, 2020 For a child will be born to us, a Son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of … More

Blended Family

We’re Not Blended – We’re PurĂ©ed

What challenges do blended families face? How do two separate families become one? And what does God have to do with it? Join us today as I interview the authors of we’re not Blended – We’re PurĂ©ed. You’ll learn how … More

Psalm 107

Prepare for the Inevitable

November 27, 2020 Prepare for the Inevitable As they were stoning Stephen, he prayed, “Lord Jesus receive my spirit!” (Acts 7:59) “Students, your friend and classmate, who struggled with heart problems for years, died today,” came the announcement over the … More


The Family Shield Thanksgiving Special

Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus, and your love for all the … More

God's Rescue at Sea

God’s Rescue at Sea

What happened to seven people that were in a small plane after an emergency landing in the Bering Sea? How did they stay afloat after their plane sank into the 36 degree water near Nome Alaska; and how were they … More

Psalm 107

Be Thankful

November 12, 2020 Be Thankful! Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thess. 5:16-18) For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the … More

Children in Church

Children and Worship

You’ve probably heard the problem yourself a time or two – there’s a young child in church, probably sitting right behind you who is not having a good morning at all, or perhaps it’s even your own child sitting right … More

Difficult Questions People Ask

Difficult Questions People Ask

Do you know that there are 100 million unchurched people in the United States, and that number continues to grow? The body of Christ faces many challenges in today’s world that include religious apathy, criticism, and attacks from the media. … More

What is a Cult?

October 21, 2020 Rev. Dr. Stephen Becker and his family are ex-Mormons. Today he is a pastor in The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod What is a Cult? Over the years as I present educational programs on “Responding and Witnessing to Jehovah’s … More

Halloween and Today's Families

Halloween and Today’s Families

Several years ago on Halloween I was in a fourth grade public school classroom where the children were dressed up. Matthew was dressed as Moses; he had on a white wig and beard, wore his father’s Brown robe, a rope … More

Let's Learn About the Reformation

Let’s Learn About the Reformation

What is the Reformation? What were indulgences, and how was the Reformation an issue of pastoral care? Join us today as I interview Reverend Randy Golter. We’ll discuss the Reformation and its relevance for Christians today. This is Kay Meyer, … More


Speak with Gentleness and Respect!

October 9, 2020 Speak with Gentleness and Respect! Why should we speak up and promote God’s word, the Gospel, and a life affirming message to family, friends and those within the community? Why should we always be respectful and God … More

Dealing with Unemployment

The Lord allows challenges in our life to strengthen us. Many of us have experienced new challenges and transitions during the pandemic. One challenge many people are experiencing today is the challenge of being unemployed. How do we deal with … More

Put on the whole armor of God

Use the Full Armor of God

How do verses about spiritual warfare in Ephesians 6:10-20 help us keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and preserver of our faith? Why should we stand firm in the Lord? What critical armor and offensive weapons has God given … More

Alongside Ministry

Alongside Ministry

What is the Alongside Ministry? Why was it developed and how is it helping Zion Lutheran Church in Southern Illinois develop a strong outreach to young parents who are currently not active in church? Why is developing relationships that meet … More


Meet Yvette Seltz

September 24, 2020 Meet Yvette Seltz Kay Meyer with Yvette Seltz in the studio I want to encourage you to read the new weekly blog written by Dr. Marie Yvette Hernández-Seltz, PhD, MS, the Director of Candescent Counseling, Consulting & Coaching, LLC.  She … More

Peacemaking Women

Peacemaking Women

Friends let you down; a romance dissolves; youth rebel; families are divided; churches are in conflict. Is there really hope for living in peace today? Join me today as I interview Judy Dabler, one of the authors of Peacemaking Women: … More

Understanding the Two Kingdoms of God

Understanding the Two Kingdoms of God

What is the doctrine of two kingdoms, or two reigns of God? Why is understanding the two kingdoms important in our daily life? Join us today as I interview Dr. Rev. Charles Spomer, the pastor of Ascension Lutheran Church in … More

healing racial divides

One Nation Under God: Healing Racial Divides

Racial division is a reality in today’s world. The death of George Floyd sparked new protests and violence throughout our country. Distrust and suspicion arise. We forget we’re created by God and made In His image. We forget that the … More

Building Strong Marriages

Building Strong Marriages

How is your marriage doing? Would you like to make it stronger? What tricks make marriages survive and become successful? Join us today as I interview Rev. Roger Sonnenberg. Our topic is building strong marriages.

Dealing with Anger

Dealing with Anger

Anger is a normal human emotion that everyone experiences. What causes you to become angry? How do you deal with your anger? God has a lot to say about anger. In Ephesians 4 God’s Word says “be angry but do … More

Importance of Father-Son Relationship

The Importance of the Father-Son Relationship

God’s plan for the family is that children will be raised by a loving and involved mother and father. Statistics document that children with active and involved fathers are more positive, better able to deal with frustrations, are more likely … More

Marriage Whisperer

How can you improve and strengthen your marriage? Join us today as I interview Dr. Pat Hollinger Pickett. We’ll discuss her book The Marriage Whisperer: Tips to Improve Your Relationship Overnight. She’ll offer practical tips and guidance for relationship enrichment.

Reaching Jehovah's Witnesses Loved Ones with the Gospel

Reaching Jehovah’s Witness Loved Ones with the Gospel

Kay Meyer, president of Family Shield Ministries and host of Family Shield, spoke at one of the national Annual Witnesses Now for Jesus conventions on “Reaching Your Loved Ones in the Jehovah’s Witnesses for Christ.” She is introduced by Charles … More

Rescuing your Loved One from the Watchtower

Rescuing your Loved One from the Watchtower – Part Two

Each year thousands of husbands, wives, sons and daughters are converted by the Watchtower Society, convinced that it is God’s organization. As Christians we must help Jehovah’s Witnesses look at the truth about the organization they trust so much and … More

Let your light shine

Shine Your Light

Jesus said, “Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in Heaven.” How do we let our light shine in this postmodern world? Why does Jesus talk about salt, and what … More

Dealing with Drug Use in Your Family

Dealing with Drugs in Your Family

Where do you go when you think your teenager is using drugs? What are symptoms you can watch for? How can parents intervene and find support and resources? Join us today on Family Shield. Our topic is dealing with drugs … More

family laughing

Families Need Laughter

Think about family celebrations and special occasions such as a wedding, the birth of a child, a birthday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas celebrations or a baptism. What sound do you often hear at these special occasions. Listen. Can you hear it? … More

Growing Grateful Kids

Growing Grateful Kids

How can we help our children learn to be grateful? Why can we impart what we do not possess ourselves? If we want to grow grateful children we need to learn to be a grateful parent, and that means genuine … More

Dealing with Fear and Anxiety

Dealing with Fear and Anxiety

What is fear? How is it different from anxiety? How can we help family, friends, and those in our community that are afraid or overly anxious due to the Corona virus, a serious illness, a job loss, a move, or … More

The Challenge of the Cults

The Challenge of the Cults

Cults are flourishing across America. Chances are you’ve encountered one, perhaps even know someone who is involved in a cult. Can you discuss knowledgeably the differences between Christianity and the teachings of Mormonism or Jehovah’s Witnesses? Prior to 1850 cultists … More

Are demons real?

2000 Demons–No Match for My Savior

Are Satan and evil spirits real? Do they really want to harm us? Intriguing questions for some, frightening questions for others. What should Christians believe about Satan and evil spirits? What schemes does Satan use and how can we respond? … More

Dealing with Drug Addiction

Dealing with Drug Addiction

What is Adult & Teen Challenge? How does it help individuals struggling with addiction to become mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically well, and spiritually alive? How does it help men, women, and teens who struggle with substance abuse? … More

Religious Freedom and our Schools

Religious Freedom and our Schools

Is religious freedom a thing of the past? What does religious freedom mean in today’s world? Can we still speak up about our faith and live it out publicly? Today some Christians think they must keep silent about their faith … More

Setting and Keeping Family Goals

Setting Family and Personal Goals

Why is it important for families to set goals together? How do you get your entire family on board to achieve the goals? Why is goal setting a collaborative process, and what are some of the goals you might set? … More

Beautiful Feet

Beautiful Feet: Serve and Witness

Think about your feet for a moment. What were the most beautiful feet you ever saw? Was it your new baby’s tiny feet? When did you ever play This Little Piggy with your child or grandchild’s feet? Those little feet … More

Be a Strong and Courageous Leader

Be a Strong and Courageous Leader

What can we learn from courageous leaders of the past? Who are some of those leaders? How do we learn to be effective leaders in our homes, the church, and in the community? What are some of the traits of … More

Sibling Rivalry

Sibling Rivalry

Siblings sometimes get along and at other times they don’t. Do you have siblings? Have you ever argued and fought with your siblings? Can these arguments help siblings learn how to get along with each other? What should parents do … More

Life after Loss

Life After Loss

Have you lost a loved one? Whether the loss was a long illness or a tragic accident people who lose loved ones go through a grieving process. After someone we love dies each person handles grief in their own way. … More

Creationism vs. Evolution

Creationism vs. Evolution

Genesis 1:1 says in the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth, yet in today’s world there’s a great debate going on between those who believe God created the world and those that believe in evolution. What is the … More

Resolving Conflict

Resolving Conflict in Today’s World

Have you ever been in conflict? How should we respond when conflict occurs in the home, at work, or in our church? And why is forgiveness such an important part of the process of reconciliation? Join us today as I … More

Dealing with Depression

Dealing with Depression

Depression affects one in every five people during their lifetime. It’s an illness that can affect the entire body, not only the mind. Depression affects people from all ages,  races,economic groups and genders. It is the most common mental disorder. … More

Family Devotions

Family Devotions for the Home

What is faith formation for children and youth? Why is it important that parents teach their children who God is and what He’s done for them? What advice would you have for parents that want to begin Christ-centered family devotions … More

Why I Left the Mormon Church

Why I Left the Mormon Church

Sandra Tanner was raised as a Mormon and is the great-great granddaughter of Brigham Young. When she started college she began asking questions in a Mormon religious instructional class because she was having doubts about the Church of Jesus Christ … More

Building a Positive Relationship with a Jehovah's Witness

Witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses

Maybe you’ve tried to share your faith with a loved one or friend who was a Jehovah’s Witness but don’t understand their teachings and beliefs. They believe themselves to be Christian but actually proclaim a false Christ and a false … More

Sex Trafficking of America's children

The Sex Trafficking of America’s Children

Sex trafficking doesn’t just happen “over there.” Sadly, domestic sex trafficking involving minors is a huge problem in the United States, and it’s getting worse. The sex trafficking o America’s Children is going on right under our noses.

Hispanic Christmas Traditions

Different cultures and ethnic groups celebrate the Christmas season in different ways. Latinos have special traditions they enjoy with their families. One is the celebration of Posada. What is the Posada? How does it help children and their families learn … More

Making Our Marriage Stronger

Making Our Marriage Stronger

How can we make our marriage stronger? What are the four things that can help build a healthy relationship in marriage? Join us today as I interview Rev. Roger Sonnenberg. We’ll discuss how to establish flourishing relationships through unconditional love … More

Family Traditions

Family Traditions

What is a tradition? Why do traditions strengthen families and how can they help us make our faith a relevant part of our daily life? Join us today as we share ideas that your family can use to celebrate Thanksgiving … More

Atheist to Christian

From Atheist to Christian

Why are many of our teenagers and young adults becoming atheists or agnostics in today’s world? And why would an atheist become a Christian? Join us today as I interview Rev. Dr. Chad Lakies, a pastor and a former atheist. … More

Learning from Peter-a Church Leader

Learning from Peter-a Church Leader

The apostle Peter was an impulsive fisherman when Jesus selected him to be one of his disciples. Peter, even after he became one of the 12 disciples, didn’t always think before he acted or spoke. Peter was taught and mentored … More

Families Transformed Through the Gospel of Christ

How can meeting physical, emotional and spiritual needs open doors to share the Gospel? How do we respond with love and point people to Jesus Christ when they struggle with relationships, parenting, marriage, communication, physical illness, addictions and a myriad … More

Travelers for Jesus

Travelers for Jesus

What is Travelers for Jesus? How does this ministry dedicated to carrying out the Great Commission touch lives with the Gospel and encourage people to know Christ and His Word as they travel through the community on their motorcycles? Join … More

Identity Theft

Identity Theft

What is identity theft? How do thieves steal an identity? How can you prevent this from happening and what do you do if it does happen? Join us today as I interview Katie Koelling, senior counsel for Thrivent Financial within … More

Sharing the Gospel with Hurting People

Sharing the Gospel with Hurting People

We don’t need to go far to find hurting people both within and outside of the church. We just need to listen. As we listen we learn about the challenges family and friends are facing in today’s world. Here are … More

Dealing with Conflict

Dealing with Conflict and Reconciliation

How do you handle conflict in your home and family? When conflict occurs, how do you resolve it? How might a Christian counselor help you learn to resolve conflict and be reconciled? Join us today as we discuss conflict and … More

Raising Godly Girls

Raising Godly Girls

Your new daughter is precious in your sight. She’s also precious to God. She’s been created, chosen and redeemed by her Savior. She is the princess of the King. How do we raise godly girls?

Middle School: The Inside Story

Middle School: The Inside Story

Middle school involves some really tough, confusing years for today’s youth. Many parents are caught off guard by the changes in their children when they begin the transition out of childhood and into adolescence. Did you ever wonder what goes … More

A Journey of Faith

A Journey of Faith

Have you ever prayed for a miracle? Although God always answers our prayers, He doesn’t always answer them in the way we desire. Join us today as I talk with a man who prayed fervently for a miracle. He prayed … More

Helping Our Children Grow in Faith

How do we begin the process of spiritual nurture in the home? How can we help our children and grandchildren learn to love God and grow in faith? What are some fun family activities and devotions that we can do … More

The Secret Life of Angels

The Secret Life of Angels

You’ve probably seen depictions of angels in popular tv shows and movies, and you’ve read about angel encounters. But really, most of these accounts often have little in common with the Bible’s portrayal of angels. How can you tell what is real and what isn’t?

When You Only Have a Few Minutes with a Mormon

When You Only Have a Few Minutes with a Mormon

So, you’re going to a national Christian conference in Salt Lake City. You know you’ll have many opportunities to interact and get acquainted with Mormons while you’re there. You want to find ways to witness to them as the Lord … More

Counter Cult Ministry

Family Shield’s Counter Cult Ministry

What does the Family Shield Counter Cult ministry do? How are we helping individuals and their families? Join us today as I talk about this area of our ministry, and later do an interview with one of the families we’ve … More

Teens and Screens

Screen time is rapidly replacing family time, and for teens especially, it is hard wiring the way they connect with their world. Join us today as I interview Dr. Cathy Koch, author of Screens and Teens: Connecting with Our Kids … More

LCMS Black Ministry

Black Ministry in the LCMS

The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Black Ministry provides encouragement, assistance, advocacy, and works with 35 LCMS districts, congregations and schools in minisrty to people of African-American descent and other ethnic cultures. It provides faithfulness to theology that is contextual and … More

Spiritual Gifts

Learning About Your Spiritual Gifts

What has Jesus done for you? Why is He the head of the church? What does the Bible say about the Body of Christ and spiritual gifts? How are you gifted? How can you learn what your gifts are and … More

No More Perfect Moms

No More Perfect Moms

Do you think you can be a perfect Mom? Some women, before they had their children, think they can be. Then reality sets in as their young child throws a temper tantrum at the grocery store or in church. It’s … More

Adoption Blessings

Adoption Blessings!

Are you adopted? Have you adopted a child? Why is adoption a blessing for the children and the adoptive parents? How is being in God’s family like being adopted? Join us today as I interview Rev. Stephen Becker. We’ll discuss … More

Muslim to Christian

From Muslim to Christian

How and why did a Muslim man convert to Christianity? join us today as we hear Nate Salah’s story and journey of faith. We’ll also discuss ways to build relationships and talk to Muslims about faith issues. This is Kay … More

Five Love Languages of Children

Do you want to know the secret of making sure your child feels loved? Children desperately need to know how much their parents love them, but if we don’t know their love language we may as well be speaking gibberish.

First Time Dads

First Time Dads

Fathers have a great influence on the lives of their children, and first time dads will encounter many new experiences. They’ll examine those tiny fingers and toes and marvel at God’s creation. They’ll change diapers, endure sleepless nights, initiate tickle attacks, tell bedtime stories, and field seemingly unending questions. Join us today as I interview family ministry veteran and father of six, John Fuller.

Gospel DNA

Gospel DNA

What are the five markers of a flourishing church? Why is the Gospel and having a passion for souls so critical in effective outreach? Can we again have millions of new believers in Jesus in the United State and thousands … More

Comparing Mormonism to Christianity

Comparing Mormonism to Christianity

Mormonism is one of the fastest growing religions in the world. Have you ever wondered in what specific ways Mormonism differs from the Christian faith? Join us today as I interview Bill McKeever, founder of Mormonism Research Ministry and author of Mormonism 101.

God Loves Moms Podcast

God Loves Moms

Have you ever thought about the moms in God’s Word? What kind of mom was Mary? Hannah? Eve? What kind of mom are you? Join us today as I interview the author of God Loves Moms. It explores what we … More

Give Your Marriage One More Try

Give Your Marriage One More Try

Is your marriage worth fighting for? If you’ve ever said, “I can’t take it anymore, I want out!” or “Enough is enough!” then today’s program featuring Dr. Gary Chapman, and his book, One More Try is a program you need … More

Discipline and the Five Love Languages of Children

Discipline and the Five Love Languages of Children

Which of the following words is negative: love, warmth, laughter, discipline? The answer is none. Contrary to what many people think, discipline is not a negative word. Discipline comes from the Greek word that means “to train.”

Family Shield's Easter Special

Family Shield’s Easter Special

Jesus said to his disciples, “My soul is deeply grieved to the point of death. Remain here and keep watch with me.” Then He prayed, “My father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me, yet not as I will but as Thou wilt.” How did spending time in prayer prepare Jesus for what was ahead? What was the cup He wanted to pass from Him? How did Jesus suffer for our sins? Why did He do this for us?

Teaching Teens to Defend Their Faith

Teaching Teens to Defend Their Faith

Many Christian teenagers journey through life in today’s world without much thought about their faith. How can parents teach teens to share the Gospel with effectiveness in our secular culture? How can we train our teens to defend their faith … More

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

A Birth Mother’s Story

Terri was 19 years old when her father suddenly died in a car accident, and she had a serious relationship end. She didn’t know how to grieve those losses. She says, “During that time in my life I was an … More

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Resolving Conflicts Biblically

How do you deal with conflict? Do you run and hide when it occurs and just keep ignoring it; or do you explode in anger when conflict happens your life? Both of these are inappropriate ways to deal with conflict. Why not learn how to respond to conflict Biblically?

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Reaching Native American Indians for Christ

What do you know about Native Americans? Did you know that there are 2.9 Million American Indians and Alaska natives in the United States? Or that Indian youth have the highest rate of suicide among all ethnic groups in the United States?

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Hope When Your Heart Breaks

When grief and loss enter our life it can knock the wind out of us. Grief can come from broken relationships, the loss of a job, dashed hopes and dreams, divorce, or the death of a loved one.

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Demon Possession and Spiritual Warfare

The Bible tells us Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It also tells us Satan is the father of lies and the god of this world. Why does the Church avoid the topic of Satan, evil spirits and spiritual warfare today? How does Satan masquerade as an angel of light? As Christians what can we do when we feel under attack?

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Introduction to Islam

Christians and Muslims live side-by-side in the United States, yet we know very little about each other’s beliefs. What do Muslims believe and teach? Who was Muhammad? What is the Quran? What do Muslims think of the Bible? What do Muslims believe about Jesus?

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Jumpstart Your Witness

How can Christians prepare to witness to those who ask them about the hope they have in Christ? Why is gentleness and respect so important? Join us today on Family Shield – our topic is Jumpstart Your Witness. My guest … More

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Loved and Sent

How do we find identity and meaning in today’s world? What does it mean to be loved and sent? Why do so many non-Christians have misperceptions about Christianity and how can we address them? Join us today as I interview … More

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Heaven–The Undiscovered Country

Every person who has ever lived has wondered about the place beyond mortality. Shakespeare called it the undiscovered country. God’s word tells us about our souls — our bodies in heaven. What happens at the moment of death? Will we … More

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Conversations with Jehovah’s Witnesses

An unfamiliar car parks near your house and two nice-looking people approach your front door. Your doorbell rings and after exchanging some pleasantries your unexpected guests offer you literature from the Watchtower Society. What will you say? What should you say?

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Creationism vs. Evolution

What do cuddly purple dinosaurs, an ark with long necked giraffes, abortion, cave formations millions of years old, fossil fuels, dragon legends, and stars a billion light years away have in common? How is the teaching of evolution impacting our … More

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Block Parties for Outreach

You’ve heard about parties but have you ever considered organizing a block party for outreach? How could your church or church group organize a block party and use it to share the Gospel and reach individuals and families for Christ? … More

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Beyond Christmas–What Does the Bible Say?

We praise the Lord that Jesus was born and is our Savior from sin, death, and the power of the devil. We pray you have a wonderful Christmas. What does the Bible say about what happened in the days, months, and years after Jesus Christ was born? What does the Bible say beyond Christmas?

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Transition in Marriage

Transitions occur in everyone’s lives; they often mean big changes. These transitions can cause feelings of joy, anxiety and fear. Marriages can also face transitions in today’s world. They can cause conflict and challenges. Today we’ll discuss transitions in marriage.

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Family Shield Christmas Special

Why does the New Testament have all the long geneologies in it? What does the book of Matthew say about the birth of Christ? And how does this compare to Isaiah 7:14 that says “Therefore the Lord Himself will give … More

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Traditions and Memories

Why are traditions and precious memories important as we build strong, healthy families for Christ? Why do traditions matter? How can we show our children and grandchildren who they are and what’s important to us? What traditions do you and … More

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Behold, I Am Coming Soon!

Behold, I am coming soon, Jesus tells us in the last chapter of the Book of Revelation. The apostle John shares messages about Jesus’ second coming in this book, reassuring us that nothing can prevail against God’s church. He urges … More

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Being Thankful

Why are you thankful for faith, family, and life? Join us today as I interview two siblings – twins, and their grandparents. We’ll talk about being thankful.

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

How to Respond to Mormonism

How do we respond to Mormons? How are they different from Christians? Today we’re going to talk about responding and witnessing to Mormons.

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Let’s Learn About Eating Disorders

What are eating disorders? What is anorexia and bulemia? What signs and symptoms should we watch for if someone we love has an eating disorder? What treatments are available for those struggling with these issues? Join us today as I … More

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

God’s Grace for Those Struggling with Pornography

The use of pornography causes serious problems for individuals, families, marriages, and the church. Has pornography become a part of your life? Is it causing problems with relationships? Has it caused problems in the life of someone you love, your sibling, your child, your spouse, your friend? How can those addicted to pornography come clean? How can you help those who need to confess their addiction to porn?

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Halloween and Today’s Families

Several years ago on Halloween I was in a fourth grade public school classroom where the children were dressed up. Matthew and Eric stand out in my memory. Matthew was dressed as Moses – he had on a white wig and beard, wore his father’s brown robe, a rope belt and sandals.

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Tech Savvy Parenting

How can parents find a balance with cell phones, social networks and video games in the lives of their children? What are some practical tools and resources that can help the entire family use technology wisely and responsibly? Join us … More

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Responding Effectively to Jehovah’s Witnesses

Have you ever tried to witness to a Jehovah’s Witness? If you have, you probably became confused about their beliefs. Maybe the discussion got heated and you became frustrated or angry. If you have a loved one involved in the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society it can even be more difficult.

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Be His Witnesses

Jesus said, “Go then to all people everywhere and make them my disciples. Baptize them and teach them to obey all I commanded you, and I will be with you always, even unto the end of the age. How can we learn to share our faith in Christ with our community?

Family Shield Ministries Podcast

Go First Into the Home

God’s plan is for families to tell the next generation about the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord. In the Old Testament we read, “And these words which I’m commanding you today shall be on your heart and you shall teach … More

Listen to our latest podcast!

Unveiling Grace

For 40 years Lynn Wilder, once a faculty member at Brigham Young University, and her family, lived in, loved, and promoted the Mormon Church. Then their son Micah, serving his Mormon mission in Florida, had a revelation – God knew … More

Listen to our latest podcast!

Dealing with Grief

Have you ever lost a loved one? If so, you’ve dealt with the grieving process. What are the various dimension of grieving? Why do we say that everyone grieves differently? What should we do when we’re grieving, and how can … More

Listen to our latest podcast!

Parents Rising

This is Coreen Jander, your host for today. My guest for today is Arlene Pellicane, author of Parents Rising: Eight Strategies for Raising Kids Who Love God, Respect Authority, and Value What’s Right. Arlene has written seven books and has appeared on the Today Show, Focus on the Family, and Fox and Friends among other major media outlets.

Listen to our latest podcast!

Take Up the Full Armor of God

Would you agree with me that Christ-centered family ministry is needed today more than ever before? You don’t need to look far to understand why Family Shield’s work is needed. God’s Word and Christianity are under attack. Biblical marriage is under attack. Life issues are under attack. God’s Word tells us as Christians that we must stand firm, from Ephesians 6:14, and use God’s Word, which is the sword of the Spirit.

Listen to our latest podcast!

Without This Ring

Divorce effects every aspect of your life, emotional, spiritual, and physical. According to Donna Pyle, author of Without This Ring, it feels like amputation without anesthetic. Probably the hardest part to grasp about the whole process of divorce is wondering what happened to the person you thought you married, the plans you made together, and the dreams you shared.

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Defending Christianity

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by those who question Christianity? You may know the frustration that can come upon us when we’re not able to answer tough questions unbelievers ask about God and the Christian faith. You know what you … More

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Dealing with Conflict

Conflict is one of the most destructive forces on earth; it instigates war, it divides families, it destroys marriages., it can make the workplace unbearable, and it can wreak havoc in the church. How do we learn to deal with conflict Biblically?

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An Ex-Mormon Shares His Story

Why did Stephen Becker become a Mormon and then later leave the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints? What do Mormons believe and teach that are in conflict with Christianity and God’s Word?

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Go First Into the Home–Part Two

Raising children to know and love Jesus in today’s world is a joy, a privilege, and a challenge. Parenting is the most important job you will ever have. How can we maintain a Christ-centered home while juggling jobs, sports, school, and community activities? We find the answer when we rely upon God’s power for help, not our own or the world’s.

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Go First Into the Home–Part One

Raising children to know and love Jesus in today’s world is a joy, a privilege, and a challenge. Parenting is the most important job you will ever have. How can we maintain a Christ-centered home while juggling jobs, sports, school, and community activities? We find the answer when we rely upon God’s power for help, not our own or the world’s.

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Family Shield Father’s Day Special

God’s plan for the family is that children will be raised by a loving and involved mother and father. Statistics document that children with active and involved fathers are more confident, better able to deal with frustration, gain independence in … More

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Introduction to God and His Word

I tried to study the Bible but couldn’t understand it. How do we study God’s Word so we get the most out of it? Today’s study will help introduce you to God’s Word and help you grow in faith. You … More

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Social Media and Today’s Children

Do you believe technology is bringing your children and family closer together, or creating a greater distance? How can a parent know if their child is involved with too much screen time?

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As far as the East is from the West, so far does He remove our transgressions from us. We thank God that the Lord forgives us for all our sins, but sometimes we have trouble forgiving people who offend us. … More

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Comparing Islam and Christianity

Islam is growing rapidly in the United States. Why is it so urgent for Christians to get informed about Islam? What are some of the common misunderstandings about Islam? What about the question of whether Christians and Muslims worship the same God? Do we? What do Muslims believe about the Koran? What are some of the dos and don’ts for us to keep in mind when striking up a friendship with a Muslim or trying to share the faith?

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Mothers are Important

Why did God create mothers? What joys and challenges to moms experience as they raise their children? What’s it like for a working mom to become a stay-at-home mom? Why are mothers important throughout their child’s lives, and how can we celebrate moms?

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Let’s Learn About Mormon Temples

Why does the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints build and utilize Mormon temples throughout the world? Are Mormon temples Biblical? Why or why not? Why do they build them, and what happens inside Mormon temples?

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Communicating and Witnessing to Homosexuals

How can the average Christian dialogue with gay, transgender, or heterosexuals who believe the Christian viewpoint on these issues are wrong? What should we say? What shouldn’t we say? Join us today as I interview Joe Dallas. Joe is a former gay activist and the author of seven books on sexuality from a Biblical perspective.

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Why Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Leave?

Why do Jehovah’s Witnesses leave the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society? Join us today as I interview Charles Smith, an ex Jehovah’s Witness. We’ll learn what it was like growing up as a Witness, and how knowing the Christ of … More

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After the Resurrection

At the moment of Jesus’ death, the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. What does the tearing of the curtain in the temple mean? How many days … More

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Jehovah’s Witnesses

What do Jehovah’s Witnesses teach and believe that’s different from the Body of Christ? Why would an active Jehovah’s Witness decide to leave the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society? Why does leaving the Jehovah’s Witnesses cause family conflict? And why are some ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses disfellowshipped?

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Dealing with Drugs

Where do parents go for help when they suspect that their child is taking drugs? What signs and symptoms should we watch for? How can parents find resources that will help? And what should we do when we know our child is on drugs?

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What is Pentecost? Why do Christians believe Pentecost represents the birth of the church? What happened at Pentecost? What languages, or tongues, did the apostles and disciples speak in, and what did they say? Why is the Holy Spirit so important to us as Christians?

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Conflict in Marriage

The soaring divorce rate indicates that great marriages don’t just happen. All couples have conflict and disagreements. How do couples learn to fight fair and communicate effectively? Join us today as we discuss handling conflict and fighting fair. My guest … More

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Dealing with Spiritual Warfare

What is spiritual warfare? How can Christians learn to stand firm and put on the full armor of God? How do we learn to resist the schemes of the devil and serve the Lord in all circumstances? Join us today … More

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The Challenge of Suicide

What causes Christians who believe in Jesus to seemingly give up hope and take their own lives? How is mental illness involved? Why do so many people assume that Christians who commit suicide have lost their faith in Christ and … More

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It’s All About Jesus

Recently someone asked me why Family Shield Ministries exists. Another way to say this is why do we do what we do? It’s simple — it’s all about Jesus. Today we’ll talk about Jesus, who He is, and what He’s … More

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Becoming a Pastor

Host Kay L. Meyer with guest Vicar Alex Schrader Why would a husband and father with over 18 years of experience in the information technology field decide to attend Concordia Seminary to become a pastor? How did the Lord guide … More

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Married and Still Loving It

Nothing is more inspiring than witnessing a married couple that has been together for decades still in love and enjoying life together. But in a culture that continuously seems to devalue marriage, how does a couple stick together? What does … More

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Opening Your Church Door to the Community

How does the mission of God get carried out in today’s world? How can congregations emerge from their buildings, programs, and institutions and effectively engage their communities with the power of the Gospel? What are the eight hinges that help … More

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

What is post-traumatic stress disorder, how is it diagnosed, and how is it treated? My guest today is Chaplain Steven Hokane, the Assistant Director of Ministry to the armed forces for the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. His military service has … More

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Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours

If you’re looking for parenting direction in today’s chaotic world and your pint-sized treasures always seem to have the upper hand, you’re not alone. How can we encourage healthy attitudes, positive behavior, and long-lasting values in children of all ages? … More

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Holiday Traditions for the Family

Why are traditions and precious memories important as we build strong, healthy families for Christ? Why do traditions matter? How can we show our children and grandchildren who they are, and what’s important to us? What traditions do you and … More

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Eight Simple Tools for Raising Great Kids

What are Eight Simple Tools for Raising Great Kids? Why should we control our volume knob? What does listening have to do with parenting effectively? Why should we understand the power of our words, and why is regular family time … More

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Dealing with Depression

What is depression? What are symptoms we should watch for? How is it diagnosed and treated? Join us today as we discuss dealing with depression. My guest is Dr. Richard Winter, Professor Emeritus of Applied Theology and Counseling at Covenant … More

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Confirmation and Today’s Youth

Why should congregations develop a holistic approach to involving young Christians into the life of the church, especially as it relates to confirmation? What is the history of confirmation? Why is much of what is occurring in our churches not … More

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The Two Kingdoms of God

Christians live in two kingdoms. What is the kingdom of the right, and the kingdom of the left? Why should Christians understand these teachings? Today my guest is Dr. Gregory Seltz, the Executive Director of the Lutheran Center for Religious … More

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God Grows Families

God doesn’t always send us a family in the way we expect, but God always has a plan. We just need to wait for Him to show us His plan, and be open to sharing God’s love with all people. … More

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Eight Great Smarts

Why should we expose our young children to a variety of activities so their God-given passions can be awakened? What are the Eight Great Smarts? How do we discover and nurture our childrens’ intelligence? My guest today is Dr. Cathy … More

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Balance – When Life is Overwhelming

Why is it that some people are content, while others never seem to be satisfied? One important aspect of having a balanced life is recognizing that a balanced life does not mean that we are perfect or have a perfect … More

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Father’s Day Special

Why are fathers so important to their children? What are the joys and challenges of being a father in today’s world? Why should we celebrate dads? Did you know that research shows fathers are central to the emotional well-being of … More

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Divorce and Our Children

Did you know that 40% of marriages in the United States ends in divorce? How does divorce impact our children? What should parents say when telling their child about the divorce? How can we make sure our children don’t think … More

LWML Grants Help Family Shield Ministries

Family Shield Ministries recently learned that they had been approved for two LWML District grants. One is from the Utah-Idaho LWML District for the Counter-Cult Ministry and the other is from the Kansas LWML District. This is to help with … More

Family Shield Radio Program Expands Again

Sometimes opportunities come along unexpectedly. That’s what happened recently when Lutheran Hour Ministries asked Family Sheild Ministries if it would be interested in being promoted as an alternative radio program on 278 radio stations throughout the United States that have … More