Imagine Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God’s Promises, and the Exhilarating Future That Awaits You
All of us long to know what life after death will be like. Bestselling author John Burke is no exception. In Imagine Heaven, Burke compares over 100 gripping stories of near-death experiences (NDEs) to what Scripture says about our biggest questions of Heaven: Will I be myself? Will I see friends and loved ones? What will Heaven look like? What is God like? What will we do forever? What about children and pets? For decades, Burke has been studying accounts ...
I Want Him to Want Me: How to Respond When Your Husband Doesn’t Want Sex
Do you want sexual intimacy with your husband more than he does? In a society that often paints men as the sole pursuers of sexual desire, countless wives silently struggle with unmet needs and unanswered questions. Many women have carried the weight of shame and confusion, longing for connection while feeling rejected by their husbands. Licensed clinical professional counselor Sheri Mueller shares valuable insights into the underlying dynamics at play in such situations. She delves into the complex emotional and ...
Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry
Starting a youth ministry, or trying to help one thrive, comes with a lot of questions. The LCMS Office of Youth Ministry has spent years understanding how you can better your youth group through studies, focus groups, and speaking with the members of thriving LCMS youth groups. Through their dedication, they've come up with the Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry to help you in your journey to revamping or creating a thriving youth ministry at your church. These tips ...
The Disciple Dilemma: Rethinking and Reforming How The Church Does Discipleship
People are key in every organization, Christian and commercial—yet so many organizations struggle with substantial turnover, inexperience, disunity and crippling brittleness among their people. For Christian leaders and their communities, these symptoms imply that their mission is being eroded, which could be devastating for an individual disciple’s pursuit of Christ. Career CEO Dennis Allen takes a look at how very old business practices are impacting people, bankrupting discipleship, and eroding Christ’s influence in the public square and markets. The discipling ...
Journey Through Church History
This engaging student book teaches school-age children about the history of the Christian Church from a Lutheran perspective. Written by Christa Petzold, pastor's wife, homeschool mom, and high school theology teacher, this book teaches about several church fathers and answers questions about the Bible, Creeds, divides in the Church, liturgy, and the Reformation. Homeschool and day-school students alike will enjoy their time with this book. by Christa Petzold
God’s Encouraging Word: True Comforts When Worldly Advice Fails
We live in a society of self-help quotes and books that offer temporary solutions to long-term problems. These phrases offer little boosts of confidence but don't fix the underlying issue: the need for a Savior to lean on and find support in. Just like Eve, we are all tempted by sin and find ourselves grappling at empty sayings that promise we can "be" God rather than finding true support in trusting God. Turn to Jesus and find true help through ...
The Men We Need
The world needs real men, real bad. And there are all sorts of conflicting ideas and messages about what a "real man" is (and is not). Is a real man one who hunts, loves sports, grills meat, fixes cars, and climbs mountains? Sure, sometimes. But that's not really the point of being a man and it's not the purpose for which men were made. Into our cultural confusion, Brant Hansen paints a refreshingly specific, compelling picture of what men are ...
StrongHeart: Cultivating Humility, Respect & Resiliency in Your Child
For all parents who desire to raise a generation of kids with strong hearts. Parenting. It’s the most important endeavor of our lives. And there’s no shortage of advice on how to raise kids. But amidst the chatter of competing voices, how do we sort the folly from the wisdom? In StrongHeart, author Jill Garner cuts through modern parenting myths and trends to deliver the bold truth about what it will take to raise the next generation. Jill provides evidence-based ...
Leading by Faith: Practical Insights for Christian Leaders
Drawing on decades of experience, James F. Sanft shares insights and encouragement for Christian leaders. Part 1 addresses common leadership misconceptions, while part 2 offers practical discussion for how leaders can get things done-all from a biblical perspective. by James F Sanft
Handing Out Life: The Simple Way to Rewarding Relationships in All of Life
Simple. Memorable. Timeless wisdom. The keys to every relationship in life. These distinct features make Handing Out Life a book for anyone, anywhere, at any time. Unlock the mystery to rewarding relationships with God, family, friends, work associates, and even enemies. Remember what you learn with two simple illustrations that are as clear as your hand in front of your face. Be prepared to hand out life. by Todd A. Biermann
Promised Rest: Finding Peace in God’s Presence
Living in a broken, unfixable world weighs heavy on every individual’s heart. How can you find rest in a world that’s overwhelmingly restless? Where do you begin to find God’s peace in a world bombarded with strife and the devil’s suffering? Find your beginning in the simplest form: God’s names and characteristics. Time and time again, God has given His children His name to call upon in times of suffering. The many names He uses are lifeboats in the dangerous, ...
Putting God Back in the Holidays
Instead of the joy-filled celebrations that we build up in our minds, the holidays (pick one, any one) can often become stress-filled, money-draining, joy-less days of the year that we just "want to get through." And it is by our own volition that we have refused too many times to allow our holiday celebrations to be the spiritual experience they are meant to be. This book has been conceived and designed over 30 years as Dr. Bill Thrasher has spoken ...
Raising Godly Girls
A thoughtful, personal, and affirming discussion of how Christian mothers can influence and prepare their daughters for confident living in today’s culture. This conversational book for Christian mothers of daughters is offered as encouragement to deflect and defend against the contemporary culture that promotes harmful attitudes about the self, the body, the mind, and the soul. Raising Godly Girls acknowledges the cultural expectations of both mothers and daughters, and confronts them with biblical wisdom and Christ’s forgiveness. Chapters cover such ...
Reclaiming Home: A Family’s Guide for Life, Love & Legacy
Are you watching as your family spins out of control? Are you pulled in so many directions that you aren’t doing anything well? We live in an era when children often know more about their electronic devices than their own family history, parents invest more time in the carpool line than at the dinner table, and marriages teeter on the cliff of neglect. Reclaiming Home offers families creative, life-changing solutions to these modern day dilemmas. Learn how to throw small ...
Reclaiming the Joy of Ministry
A life in Christian ministry can be tremendously rewarding and exhilarating. It can also be incredibly demanding and stressful. Professional church workers run the risk of becoming depleted—spiritually, relationally and vocationally, as well as physically and financially. Nearly every minister endures times of significant hardship, but few are willing to admit how overwhelmed they often feel by the demands and expectations placed on them. Longtime parish pastor Darrell Zimmerman will guide you on a detailed analysis of the hazards of ...
Satan’s Lies
Who are you and what is your life all about? Are you aware that there is a force trying to steer your life off course with false outlooks, confused thoughts, and self-destructive actions? It's time to clear up the confusion. Satan's Lies offers solid truth to help you look at life in a brand new way, a way that is balanced, accurate, and focused on growth. If you need to be rescued from a frenzied pace in life or from feelings that ...
Screen Kids: 5 Skills Every Child Needs in a Tech-Driven World
Has Technology Taken Over Your Home? In this digital age, children spend more time interacting with screens and less time playing outside, reading a book, or interacting with family. Though technology has its benefits, it also has its harms. In Screen Kids Gary Chapman and Arlene Pellicane will empower you with the tools you need to make positive changes. Through stories, science, and wisdom, you’ll discover how to take back your home from an overdependence on screens. Plus, you’ll learn to teach ...
Screens and Teens: Connecting with our Kids in a Wireless World
If you feel like you’re losing your teen to technology, you’re not alone. Screen time is rapidly replacing family time, and for teens especially, it is hardwiring the way they connect with their world. In Screens and Teens, Dr. Kathy helps you make sense of all this and empowers you to respond. She: Exposes the lies that technology can teach your teen Guides you in countering those lies with biblical truths and helpful practices Shares success stories of families who have ...
Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry
Starting a youth ministry, or trying to help one thrive, comes with a lot of questions. The LCMS Office of Youth Ministry has spent years understanding how you can better your youth group through studies, focus groups, and speaking with the members of thriving LCMS youth groups. Through their dedication, they've come up with the Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry to help you in your journey to revamping or creating a thriving youth ministry at your church. These tips ...
Shining the Gospel Light on the Quran: Understanding and Engaging Muslims
What does it mean to be a Christian? What does it mean to be Muslim? Both are very similar and yet also very different. What else makes them similar, what makes them different, and how do they navigate their beliefs to better understand each other? As a Christian raised in a majority Muslim country, author Rev. Dr. Abjar Bakhou offers a unique perspective on how Muslims and Christians coexist in society and in their faith. God purposefully created all of ...