Faith to Follow: The Journey of Becoming a Pastor’s Wife
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|This is Family Shield Ministries, and I’m your host, Coreen Jander. For those of you that frequently listen to the show and know Kay Meyer, that lovely lady is my mom. She’s back in Missouri today and I'm coming to you from Minnesota, and today we’re talking with Kate Meadow, author of Faith to Follow: The Journey of Becoming a ...
Healed Through Christ!
Email Newsletters
|March 26, 2021 Dear Family Shield Friend, Family Shield Ministries invites you and your family to take a Family Prayer Walk together! The Family Prayer Walk (FPW) allows us to expand our prayer ministry as we strengthen and reach families for Christ. Download the digital flyer on our website to learn more. We are producing print, digital and media resources ...
5-Minute Bible Studies for Families
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|How do you share your faith in the home? Would short Bible studies help if appropriate for families? Then join us today as I interview the author of "5-minute Bible Studies for Families." The book uses relevant Bible passages to address questions, and challenges faced by today's families. It includes three brief studies each week for one whole year. Whether ...
Cancer: Courage through Christ
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|Cancer is a word no one wants to hear from their doctor, but cancer occurs in many people’s lives. What is the cancer journey and treatment like? How does knowing our Savior, and prayer, give us courage on this journey? My guest today is Rev. Michael Hackbardt, CEO and Executive Director of God’s Word to the Nations Mission Society. We’ll ...
Finish the Race!
Email Newsletters
|March 11, 2021 My only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me, the task of testifying to the good news of God's grace. Acts 20:24 Memorial Gifts Memorial gifts can be given to Family Shield Ministries in memory of a family member or friend; in honor of a special person; or ...
Family Prayer Walk – Phase One
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|Family Shield Ministries invites you and your family to take a family prayer walk together. What is a family prayer walk, and how can you and your family participate? A family prayer walk is a time to pray together and talk about your needs and the needs of others. Pray for those you know going through a challenge or someone ...
Q & A from Readers about Prayer and Prayer Walking
Email Newsletters
|February 25, 2021 Family Shield's Family Prayer Walk We received this question from several people. Thanks for asking it. It is a great question! Many people don't like to pray out loud. They feel uncomfortable. This is not surprising since so many people are afraid of public speaking. Praying out loud is kind of like public speaking, isn't it? Yes, ...
Christian Family Health
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|How can we keep our family spiritually, emotionally, and physically healthy? Why are mothers often the ones that take on the responsibility of keeping the family healthy? Why is getting enough sleep, exercising, and eating a balanced diet important? How do we handle life when we are stressed out and overwhelmed? Why do we need to also keep our spiritual ...
Heaven is Our Home
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|Jesus said, “I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes in the one who sent me has eternal life and will not come to condemnation, but has passed from death to life." He also said, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. What do these ...
God’s Promises for Families
The Family Shield Ministries Podcast
|Have you ever made a promise to yourself or another person? Maybe you made a vow to love and honor your spouse when you were married. Or you promised to be the best mom or dad ever. Or maybe you promised God you would never fall away from your relationship with Him. How are you doing at keeping your promises? ...