November 27, 2020

Prepare for the Inevitable
As they were stoning Stephen, he prayed, "Lord Jesus receive my spirit!" (Acts 7:59)
"Students, your friend and classmate, who struggled with heart problems for years, died today," came the announcement over the school's public address system. The students, shocked and stunned into silence, could not comprehend how someone their age could die.
Words of comfort were shared: "In heaven there is no more pain for our young friend, no more sorrow or tears. God Himself will wipe away his tears. Though he had much pain on earth, now, today he is in heaven with Jesus. He has gone to be with his Lord."
When Stephen was being stoned to death, he gazed upward and said, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." He said it with confidence.
We can be assured that our departed Christian friends and family members shared the same words, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. I am coming home now to be with You." This is what our faith is all about. Our faith in Christ is founded on God's promise to raise us just as He raised Jesus from the dead. On the day of our death we too will say with all the saints," Lord, I'm coming home to You."
Thanks, Jesus, for dying for me so I can live with You forever in the heavenly mansion. Amen.
Memorial Gifts
Jesus said, "Truly, truly I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgement, but has passed out of death into life" (John 5:24).
Memorial gifts are one way you can support Family Shield Ministries and remember or honor a loved one who has passed from death to life. Memorial gifts can be given in loving memory of a family member or friend; in honor of a special person who has touched your life; or in recognition of an event or occasion that has special meaning for you. Thank you for remembering loved ones. The following are those who have given a memorial gift and the person the gift recognized.
Mrs. Wanda (Cookie) Brauer
Mr. & Mrs. Tjaden Meyer
Rev. & Mrs. Terry Grzybowski
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Wildermuth
Rev. Timothy & Diane Saleska
Cookie Brauer was a founding Board member of Family Shield Ministries
William Brauer
Rev. & Mrs. Jeff Gibbs
Mr. & Mrs. Tjaden Meyer
Clarence Voight
Don and Sharon Voight
Harold Melser
Francis and Marilyn Komrska
Patricia Goessling
Angie Rosengarten
Mr. & Mrs. Tjaden Meyer
Bruce Wurdeman
Mr. & Mrs. Tjaden Meyer

Family Shield, A Weekly Radio Program and Podcast
Family Shield airs on more than 50 radio stations throughout the United States and on our weekly podcast on iTunes & Apple, the Family Shield website, Facebook and Twitter.
Learn more about locations of radio stations and the day/time the program airs. And sign up to receive our podcast each week here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/family-shield/id1341353767
Radio Programs, Podcast Topics and Guests
with Kay L. Meyer, founder & president of Family Shield Ministries
and host of Family Shield
When People Ask Difficult Questions
Guest: Rev. Mark Larson
Family Wellness-Raising Resilient, Christ-Purposed Children
Guest: Dr. John Eckrich, author and speaker
Children and Worship
Guests: Dr. John Oberdeck and Dr. Shirley Morganthaler
God's Rescue at Sea
Guest: Don Wharton
November 17-22
Family Shield 2020 Thanksgiving Special
Guests: Coreen, Elizabeth, Luke Jander, and Yvette Seltz
November 23-30
We thank and recognize employees and volunteers on the Thanksgiving radio program
We're Not Blended
Guests: Marty Lintvedt and Diane Lesire Brandmeyer
December 1-7
Prayer & Witnessing
Guest: Rev. James Buckman
December 8-14
Upcoming Programs:
Christmas and Angels with Rev. Ron Rall
A Family Shield Christmas Special with Rev. Derek Paetow
Grandparents and Their Grandchildren with Dr. Dick Hardel
Joining Jesus on His Mission with Greg Finke